Sports ground for summer cottage: secrets of arranging a comfortable recreation area, games and physical development for a child

Children's playground for summer cottages If your family has children, then when designing a garden around the house, you should consider creating a sports ground. A children's sports area for summer cottages is an ideal alternative for children who love outdoor activities that promote motor skills of the whole body. ...
  • Spectacular sansevieria: home care, reproduction and disease

    Sansevieria is an evergreen plant belonging to the Agave family. With a powerful root system and leaves of various shades. The flowers are white with a pleasant aroma that resembles vanilla. Inflorescences open in the late afternoon and bloom all night until morning. Florists love sansevieria for their unpretentious care and beauty. ...
  • What are the beaches on the Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc?

    Fukuoka beaches are the main attraction of the island. There are really a lot of them in a relatively small area, and everyone deserves attention: the huge Long Beach, and cozy Gan Dau, and the advertised Sao Beach, and northern Thom Beach. Each of them is good in its own way, but we suggest choosing the best Fukuoka beach. ...
  • A handsome man from Africa or amaryllis: planting a plant and caring for it at home

    Amaryllis belongs to the family of bulbous perennial decorative - deciduous flowers. The homeland is considered South Africa. With proper care and timely transplantation, these flowers live in the house for up to 10 - 15 years, can please bloom 2 times a year. In the article you will find detailed information about this plant: how to care for it, when and how to transplant it, especially the propagation. ...
  • Mirror manufacturing technology, how to make a product yourself

    Mirrors firmly entered our life, making it more interesting and informative. It is thanks to them that people get the opportunity to study their appearance in detail, visually expand the space, fill the room with additional light and a special aura. Once again, looking at his reflection, sooner or later, any person wonders how to make a mirror, and why it is endowed with a magical nature. ...
  • How to water an orchid during flowering - rules for gardeners

    Before answering this question, the first thing you need to do is find out which orchid variety is blooming. Indeed, despite the species relationship, each individual species may have its own characteristics when watering. A good example is the Phalaenopsis and Odontoglassum orchids, which love moisture during flowering, and Oncidium, which does not tolerate moisture at all during the flowering process. ...
  • It is interesting to know: how many cacti live at home and in nature? How to care to extend longevity?

    Cactus is one of the most unpretentious house plants. It will survive if you water it at least occasionally and not put it on the balcony in winter. How long can a cactus live, and what needs to be done to pass on a favorite cactus to offspring? This article describes in detail how many cacti live at home and in nature. ...
  • Aspiration up or wooden staircase in the house

    The main purpose of the stairs in the house is the connection between its floors. The main factor in choosing such a design should be its safety and reliability. Aesthetic characteristics in this case will be of secondary importance, but also important. Varieties of shapes and designs Each of the options has its own positive features and disadvantages. ...
  • Lubeck is Germany's largest port on the Baltic Sea

    Lübeck, Germany - a settlement located in the north of the country on the banks of the River Trave. This city is included in the list of the largest ports, is the second largest in the province. The village is located in the Baltic Sea, the distance to Hamburg is about 60 km. What distinguishes the city from other German settlements is its rich history, a large number of attractions, ancient architectural monuments in the typical brick Gothic style characteristic only of Lübeck. ...
  • Unusual design project "Famaly house"

    Today we replenish the collection of original buildings, which we collect in different parts of our planet. Unusual structures with outlandish architecture will not easily diversify the traditional buildings of the city, but they will also become real attractions, attracting the attention of citizens and tourists. If until now you have not had to see a building, part of which seems to be torn off from the earth and tends to heaven, then now you will be much surprised. ...
  • Overview of cabinets for toys, selection rules

    Making a children's room is not an easy task. A place for storing a child’s toys is an important element of a child’s room, which must meet all the requirements: accommodate everything you need, fit the interior, and be safe for the child. A popular option is a toy cabinet, which can vary in its characteristics. ...
  • Existing models of furniture for the hall in the apartment, designer tips and photos

    For the hall allot the most spacious room in the apartment. It is here that the whole family gathers, meetings are held with friends and relatives. The living room is considered one of the most important rooms, so it should be as comfortable as possible. When choosing furniture for this room, many factors must be considered. ...
  • Ghent, Belgium - attractions and leisure in the city

    For curious travelers, Europe has stocked up many interesting places where the ancient spirit still hangs. Ghent (Belgium) became one of such places. The country often becomes the choice of tourists for spending several days, and just Ghent, along with Antwerp and Bruges, is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in Belgium. ...
  • Options for sliding wardrobes with mezzanines, an overview of models

    Throughout life, a person acquires many different things. Some of them are in constant use, and some are rarely used. It is important to correctly place these things in the house so that everything lies in its place, there is no clutter in the room. By installing a sliding wardrobe with a mezzanine, you can organize the correct storage of things, especially when it comes to small-sized rooms. ...
  • Tenderness salad with chicken, cucumber, egg, apples, prunes

    Let's learn how to cook a tenderness salad with chicken, egg and cucumber at home. Even in medieval times, cooks prepared this dish for the royal table. Today, various options for gentle treats are present in the menu of most cuisines of the world. The ancestors of the dish are the Waldorf and Caesar salads. ...
  • Refrigerator mini-bar for home - the best option for storing alcoholic beverages

    Why go somewhere far to relax if you can organize your own personal mini-bar? This will not require large investments and a separate room - just buy one of the options for special roomy and compact refrigerators designed to organize your own minibar. ...
  • How to get from Vienna to Salzburg - 5 options

    Vienna and Salzburg are the most visited Austrian cities, it is not surprising that tourists are interested in the Vienna-Salzburg route, how to get from one settlement to another. How to get from Vienna to Salzburg cheaply and quickly An unforgivable mistake is to come to Vienna and not get to Salzburg. Between the cities is only 296 km, each has an amazing history, castles, a unique atmosphere reigns, festivals are held. ...