Universal memory method for children and adults

Many are interested in how you can remember more information. To achieve this goal, mnemonics was invented. The main advantage of this method is that it can be used by both adults and children. The success of the plan depends on desire and perseverance. The most important thing is to understand the principles of technology and often use the acquired skills in practice. You can do this at home, without additional training and buying expensive textbooks.

What is mnemonics

Mnemonics call certain techniques that will help anyone remember the necessary information. These techniques are based on the fact that the individual has ideas based on visual, auditory and sensory representations. The technique is based on the ability of people to create certain images in the subconscious, that is, any information that you need to remember is converted into an image that easily settles in memory.

It has long been known that the brain is not able to quickly perceive and hold for a long time a large amount of "dry" information, for example, facts and figures that are not very interesting. At the same time, almost anyone will easily retell the plot of a movie or artwork they like without missing a single detail. Having mastered mnemonics, a person remembers a vivid image instead of bulky and uninteresting information.

What is needed for

In everyday life, situations arise when a person must remember some important information. Not always at hand is paper and pen or other means for writing notes. In such cases, those people whose memory is well developed win. They will not forget the necessary information and reproduce it even after a while.

To learn the techniques of mnemonics is necessary for students of any educational institutions. Those who learn to quickly memorize information will be able to reduce the time spent on preparing for classes. Then you don’t have to use cheat sheets for tests, exams and tests. Such a student will be able to "write off" material from the pantries of his memory.

  1. Firstly, it is safer. The teacher will not remove the student or student from the control or test.
  2. Secondly, the knowledge gained with the help of mnemonics is strong. They can be useful for further successful studies or mastery of the profession.

Teachers and speakers mastering the techniques of technology will make it possible to quickly memorize a large amount of information and broadcast from the rostrum without looking at the abstracts.

It is not difficult for business people who own mnemonics to quickly recall all the data about business partners.

Video plot

The main methods and techniques of mnemonics

The human brain thinks in certain ways. If an individual in his imagination builds a chain of images, then this relationship is retained for a long time in memory. A person, recalling one image, will be able to imagine the next one, until he remembers the whole "chain".

To better remember the entire sequence of images, you need to submit them, repeat the information after an hour, and then every three hours.

Admission NameDescriptionExamplesIn what situations is it better to use
ChainThe subject is imagined in any form. Then several images "communicate" with each other.You need to remember the words: apples, milk, bread, hercules. We need to imagine that an apple floats in a milk sea on a loaf of bread and rakes the flakes of hercules.To remember what to buy in the store.
MatryoshkaImages of objects need to be combined in two. Moreover, the image of the first is large and includes the second. Then you should focus on the second image and combine it with the third, etc.We memorize the words, as in the previous case.
In a pack of milk there is a pack of flakes of hercules. And in it are apples. And on the apple is a loaf of bread.
Remembering the shopping list.
SymbolizationAny word is depicted as a symbol that is understandable to man.Snowfall can be depicted in the form of several schematic images of snowflakes, spring - in the form of an icicle, with which drops of water drip.Suitable for remembering foreign words.
Roman roomMemorize objects or information mentally arrange in a room that is familiar.Imagine that a person is standing on the threshold of a room and begins to look around clockwise. Here is some furniture on the right, it symbolizes one thesis. There is something else further - this is another thesis. And mentally advancing through a familiar room, you can recall all theses.With oral answers or public speaking.
Letter codingUsing the encoding, all numbers are converted into a set of letters. A person must independently select 2 or 3 consonants for each number from 0 to 9. For this, it is necessary to use associations. Then, in order to remember the date, it is necessary to replace all numerical values ​​with selected alphabetic values. From the resulting set of consonants, you can make words that at the right time will resemble a sequence of numbers.The year 1812 can be written as the AP of the Armed Forces. The phrase that will characterize this date may be: ACCORDING TO ALL PADUT GubiTeli.Suitable for memorizing important historical dates.

Effective Exercises for Beginner Adults

  • We remember the names, patronymics, last names of people. It is necessary to reproduce in the imagination an image characterizing a person. It is important to connect associations, otherwise nothing will work. Volkov, for example, can be imagined with wolf ears. Sorokins - with a tail, like a magpie. Sveta has a lamp that burns above her head. And Rose has a wreath of flowers on her hair.
  • Remember verses or prose. For each word of the text, you can choose an image, and then mentally “shoot” the movie, representing the heroes and their emotions, objects described in a poem or artwork, sounds, etc.
  • Remember foreign words. For example, Chinese and Japanese characters are very easy to represent in the form of those objects that they look like.
Video recommendations

Mnemonics for children

In kindergartens, visual and graphic images are most often used for memorization.

  • In the role of mnemonic squares are simple graphic images that indicate words or small sentences. For example, the picture shows a bottle with a pacifier. Looking at her, the child should make a proposal about which pet gives milk.
  • Then you can take 3-4 mnemonic squares and get a mnemonic track. For each graphic image, the preschooler makes one sentence. It turns out a short story.
  • Only then from 6-10 mnemonic squares it is necessary to compose a mnemonic table. On it, the child can retell a poetic or prosaic text.

Mnemotechnical techniques are very effective and will be useful in many situations. For them to work, you need to constantly train. Mnemonics will help preserve memory until old age.

Watch the video: How to Hack Your Memory with the "Major System" (October 2024).

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