Key recommendations and the right brushing technique

Everyone should brush their teeth twice a day, and this should be done correctly. Neglect of oral care is fraught with the development of gum disease, caries, plaque, and unpleasant odors.

Training and safety

Many people believe that preparation is not necessary before brushing your teeth. This opinion is erroneous. Dentists advise in advance:

  1. Turn on the bright light in the bathroom.
  2. Position the mirror so that the oral cavity is visible.
  3. Prepare a glass of warm, clean water.
  4. Wash hands with soap.
  5. Wash off cosmetics.
  6. Before starting the procedure, rinse your mouth for 10 seconds with warm water.
IMPORTANT! It is not recommended to use running water, as excessive chlorine and heavy metals in it destroy enamel and harm gums.

In the case of improper brushing, you can injure the gums, damage the enamel, and most importantly, provoke gingivitis or periodontal disease. To prevent consequences, it is important to observe safety precautions:

  • Avoid harsh toothbrush manipulations.
  • When using threads do not injure the gums.
  • Do not apply a large amount of paste, especially with fluoride.
  • The procedure should not last longer than 3 minutes.
  • Do not resort to cleaning if less than half an hour has passed after consuming spicy or sour foods.
  • Do not swallow pasta, gum conditioner.
TIP! If this happens, you need to monitor your well-being. In case of deterioration, you need to consult a doctor.

Plaque cleaning at home

With the appearance of plaque, 90% of people face it. This is a consequence of:

  • Smoking.
  • The abuse of black tea and coffee.
  • Problems with the tissues of the teeth.
  • Drinking water with fluoride content.

In dental offices perform a simple procedure to remove plaque. It is allowed to deal with the problem at home. Basic Rules:

  • Do not resort to such actions in case of mucous membrane disease.
  • Make sure that the substances used do not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Try not to touch the seals.
ATTENTION! Dentists do not advise yourself to remove plaque with bleeding gums.

Folk remedies

I will list the well-known folk methods that guarantee a reduction in plaque.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Add 20 drops of peroxide to 150 milliliters of warm water and rinse your mouth with the resulting solution.
  • Whitening paste. Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds and brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste.
  • Activated carbon. Crush two tablets of an absorbent and apply with a toothbrush to the enamel. After two minutes, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.
  • Tea tree oil. Moisten a cotton swab in the liquid and treat the teeth from the outside and inside.
REMEMBER! It is important to do any procedure every day before bedtime and at least 30 days.

Pharmacy preparations

In almost every pharmacy, you can purchase a variety of drugs that remove plaque. The most popular are:

  • Strips with whitening effect. They are impregnated with a special composition. Superimposed on the teeth daily for 30-35 minutes for 10 days.
  • Abrasive paste. Used for one month and 1 to 3 times a week.
IMPORTANT! Before using a pharmacy product, read the instructions.

Is it possible to get rid of caries on my own and how

In 70% of people, caries is diagnosed, which occurs without any symptoms and consists in the appearance of a small dark spot on the enamel. If left untreated, the disease can lead to deep tissue damage and tooth loss.

It is possible to carry out prophylaxis and treat caries not only in dentistry, but also independently. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Rinse your mouth twice a day with water and sea salt (per 100 milliliters of water, 1 teaspoon of salt).
  • Apply a disc moistened with castor oil every night for 7 minutes to the problem tooth.
  • In the morning and evening, rinse the oral cavity with soapy water: dilute 5 grams of laundry soap in 150 milliliters of water.

Dentists say: "It is possible to fight caries on your own only at the initial stage. In the future, the help of a specialist is required."

How to choose a toothpaste and brush

You need to choose a toothbrush carefully, it should:

  • Correspond to a certain rigidity.
  • Do not injure your gums.
  • Do not provoke an allergic reaction.
  • Be comfortable to use.

The right choice of toothbrushes depending on the problems of the oral cavity

Type of toothbrushSelection recommendations
Soft bristles

  • With gum disease.

  • With sensitive enamel.

  • Children under 12 years old.
Hard bristles

  • If there are dentures.

  • If a person is a smoker, but subject to healthy gums and enamel.
Medium Hard Bristle

  • If the gums are healthy or their minor problems are noted.

  • There is caries.

  • No increased sensitivity of enamel.

If after using the new brush an allergic reaction, bleeding gums and other problems have appeared, it should be noted.

To choose a toothpaste is required, having studied the composition:

  • For healthy teeth with fluoride.
  • If there are problems with the gums, then on the basis of medicinal herbs, for example, oak bark.
  • In raids - with a whitening effect.
RECOMMENDED! It is advisable to visit the dentist, so that the doctor helps with the selection of the optimal brush and paste, which will not harm the oral cavity and will help to prevent existing problems.Video recommendations

How to clean removable and non-removable dentures

Dentures need daily cleansing. Depending on the type, they have different cleaning techniques.

Removable dentures

  1. The prosthesis is removed and washed under running water.
  2. Using a brush and toothpaste, cleansing is performed by smooth movements from top to bottom of each area.
  3. The area adjacent to the gums is being developed.
  4. The prosthesis is rinsed in warm clean water.
TIP! Rinse dentures after each meal, and treat with a disinfectant solution once a week.

Fixed prostheses

  1. A special brush cleans the space between the teeth;
  2. The internal and external parts of the prosthesis are worked out with a brush (top to bottom);
  3. Rinse the mouth with water, and then with antiseptic liquid.
TIP! For fixed prostheses, perform ultrasonic cleaning every 5-6 months.Video plot

How to brush your teeth every day

Dentists have developed a tooth brushing technique, the knowledge of which will reduce problems with gums and enamel, and reduce the risk of caries by 2.5-3 times. It is carried out in stages:

  1. Toothpaste is applied to the brush and the mouth opens.
  2. The brush head is placed on the upper incisors and movements are made from top to bottom, gradually moving to the farthest teeth.
  3. Manipulation is repeated from the inside.
  4. The brush is placed on the lower incisors and movements are performed on their outer and inner sides (from bottom to top).
  5. The oral cavity is washed with water, and after rinsing with a solution.
IMPORTANT! Use dental floss regularly to clean the interdental space.Video tips

Key recommendations

Dentists advise:

  • Store brushes in a dry place and rinse thoroughly after each use.
  • Use dental floss and rinse solution regularly.
  • Do not use someone else's toothbrush.
  • If there are dentures, do not clean them with soap or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Once every 3 months, purchase a new brush.
  • Pay more attention to problem areas.
REMEMBER! You should go to the scheduled examinations to the dentist every 6 months to check the condition of the oral cavity and timely eliminate any problems with teeth or gums.

Performing daily and proper brushing will allow you to have a fresh breath and relieve problems in your mouth. Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste, follow the cleaning technique, and do not ignore the recommendations of the dentist.

Watch the video: How to brush your teeth? Learn in 4 simple steps! (October 2024).

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