How to remove extension eyelashes at home

More and more girls are increasing the length of their own eyelashes using the extension procedure. Sometimes, for one reason or another, they need to be removed, but there is no opportunity to go to the salon and entrust this matter to professionals. The question arises: “how can I remove the extensions of eyelashes with improvised means, without damaging my family?”

You should study not only the procedure for proper extensions, but also have an idea of ​​how to remove eyelashes safely at home. Most of the products available on the market in pharmacies and cosmetic stores can adversely affect the health of the eyes and eyelids, causing an allergic reaction. Therefore, do not be negligent in this matter. We suggest that you carefully read the recommendations in order to choose the most suitable option for removing extended eyelashes.

Safety when removing eyelash extensions

Regardless of the method, you should worry about the safety of the procedure. Despite the apparent ease, extended eyelashes to shoot on their own is not as easy as it seems. The result will depend on the qualifications of the master who did the building, the quality of the materials used.

Manipulations that are not recommended:

  • Pull out the material in bunches.
  • Use soap and other cosmetics that are not designed to remove eyelash extensions to remove.
  • Perform manipulations if the eyes are sore or you are ill.
  • Shoot during critical days, because at this time the pain threshold is significantly enhanced.

We remove eyelashes without harm folk remedies

Castor oil

This option is one of the most effective, in addition, the oil itself perfectly looks after native eyelashes - it is used to strengthen hair, accelerate growth and add density.

Step-by-Step Action Plan

  1. Steam your face with hot water.
  2. Moisten a cotton swab in oil and apply it evenly on the eyelashes. Make sure that the oil does not get into the eyes, it can cause irritation.
  3. Dip a cotton pad in the oil and draw along the eyelash growth line at the base, moving from the roots to the tips.
  4. Carefully remove artificial material.
  5. Remove excess oil from eyes and wash with warm water.

Long wear is not recommended - extended eyelashes do not have the best effect on relatives: they make the eyelids heavier, which eventually leads to discomfort.

Sunflower oil

The effectiveness of sunflower oil is not inferior to professional cosmetics. If you need to quickly remove eyelashes at home, use this method.

  1. Remove makeup from the face, paying particular attention to the eye area.
  2. Using a cotton pad, apply oil to the eyelashes at the roots.
  3. Wait 5 minutes and apply another coat.
  4. Carefully remove the extended eyelashes and wash with warm water and gel.
  5. Repeat the procedure if it was not possible to remove everything the first time.

If fragile glue was used for building, one procedure is enough. Otherwise, you must repeat it up to three times. Vegetable oil is also great for eye make-up removal and has been successfully used in everyday skin care.

Burr oil

After removing artificial eyelashes, your own need increased attention and care. Removing with burdock oil in this regard is one of the best options. It will take a minimum of material to dissolve the most resistant glue and actively repair damaged ones, strengthening their structure - this helps a large number of nutrients and vitamins in the composition.

The product is applied for no more than 20 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of swelling of the eyelids due to contact with the eyes. Burdock oil suggests certain features in use.

  1. Before applying on eyelashes, warm the oil to a comfortable temperature. It becomes warm several times more efficient and will cope with the task faster, penetrating better into the structure.
  2. Apply from the middle of the eyelashes to the ends. Otherwise, it will get into your eyes.
  3. When applied with cotton pads or sticks, all excess should be removed immediately with a tissue.

In order for the eyelashes to recover after building, it is recommended to lubricate them regularly with burdock oil for a month.

How to remove extra eyelashes with steam yourself

Do not forget about steam baths. It is important to note that the risk of damaging native eyelashes is minimal.

  1. Before the procedure, make eye makeup.
  2. Prepare the steam bath in advance. Heat water to a temperature of 80 degrees and pour into a deep container.
  3. Lean over a container of water and cover your head with a bath towel. Steam must be on the face. To avoid skin burns, do not put your face close to the surface of the water.
  4. Steam your face for 15 minutes.
  5. After the steam bath, moisten a cotton pad with oil and apply on eyelashes. Remove artificial hairs effortlessly.
  6. Wash by thoroughly removing residual oil. Dry your face.
  7. After the procedure, treat eyelashes with any moisturizer.

If desired, add your favorite medicinal herbs or aromatic oil to the water. So the procedure will be effective and beneficial for the skin.

Professional and cosmetic products

In addition to folk budget funds, artificial eyelashes can be removed using professional cosmetics or pharmacy preparations.


The method is one of the most budgetary, because every girl has fat cream. In this case, the technique is hardly different from the others. To remove eyelashes at home with a cream, gently apply it with a cotton swab or disc in the root zone. Over time, the glue will completely dissolve and the hairs will move away effortlessly.


The tool is intended for the treatment of eye diseases, for example, conjunctivitis. The drug is quite aggressive, but thanks to this, it easily dissolves the highest quality glue. The procedure is as follows.

  1. Dampen a cotton swab in albucide and apply to the eyelash growth line.
  2. After a while, apply a second and third coat.
  3. At the end of 30 minutes, try removing eyelashes. If the beams are separated without effort, remove everything to the end.

When using albucide, a burning sensation and mild irritation may occur. It is important to remember that this method is emergency and is used only when there is an urgent need.


The debonder works quickly and efficiently, but there are doubts about its complete safety. The drug is sold in a pharmacy. It is a solvent having an odor similar to acetone.

Use with due care.
  1. Protect the lower eyelids.
  2. Soak a cotton pad with a debonder and moisten your eyelashes.
  3. Move from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner within 5 minutes. By this time, the debonder should completely dissolve the glue.
  4. After removing most of the eyelashes, go over the cotton pad over them again to remove any residue.
  5. At the end of the procedure, wash thoroughly with warm water.
Video tips


Compared to the debonder, the remover is more delicate. The drug is suitable for people with sensitive skin. The remover is sold in the form of a gel, liquid, paste, or cream. The most convenient option is gel, the softest is a paste that does not emit harmful fumes. Removal is carried out in the same way as removal using a debonder.

How to restore native eyelashes after extensions

After removing the extended eyelashes, your own can be greatly weakened and damaged. A full recovery will take about 2 months.

The most effective ways to restore eyelashes at home.

  • Castor oil - universal and effective remedy for the restoration of eyelashes, eyebrows, scalp hair. For application, use a previously cleaned old mascara brush. Apply daily to eyelashes and remove excess with a paper towel before bedtime.
  • A mixture of several cosmetic oils help restore and strengthen the structure of eyelashes in the shortest possible time, accelerate growth. For cooking, mix peach, burdock, almond and castor oil in equal proportions.
  • Mask with aloe, burdock and castor oil. Apply 2-3 times a week. Mix the ingredients and apply on the eyelashes, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The above methods have advantages and disadvantages. Make the right choice based on your preferences and budget. It is important to remember that even delicate and soft methods of removing extended eyelashes at home can cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the eye. Perform the procedure with clean hands, pre-do makeup remover. If you are unsure of the result, go to the salon and entrust the procedure to a professional.


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