How to care for a beard and mustache

The results of an extensive study clearly showed that men with well-groomed facial facial hair, according to women, look more sexually, attractively and courageously than men who regularly shave. Therefore, they are interested in how to care for a beard and mustache at home.

Guys who want to grow a beard and mustache need to know that only with the right approach will it be possible to achieve the desired result. If done correctly, the vegetation emphasizes the dignity of the face and hides the imperfections.

Typically, a man grows hair on his face to attract the attention of a young lady, emphasize individuality, stand out from the crowd or make the image brutal. But many guys who decide to take this step make a huge mistake. It's about the wrong choice of beard and mustache. As a result, instead of a manly look, girls are joking and taunting the bearded man. Therefore, I advise you to approach the issue scrupulously, guided by the views of relatives.

Even if the choice is made correctly, vegetation needs proper care to achieve the goal. You must admit that not one of the women will like a man who has hair on his face in a place where it should not be. And the hairs sticking out in different directions do not cause delight.

The secret to the success of the bearded man is the right choice and care of the vegetation using folk remedies or purchased cosmetics. I will talk about this in an article.

Beard Care - Professional Tips

Proper facial care is the paramount task of all self-respecting bearded men. This is a time-consuming and time-consuming process, but the result is worth it. A well-groomed beard adds charm, emphasizes style, testifies to the masculinity of a young man.

Professionals recommend for beginners to start growing a beard correctly. When the length of facial hair reaches 5 centimeters, go to the hairdresser. He will help in choosing the shape and haircut of a beard and mustache, shave off excess hair and turn a “fallen tow” into a work of art. It remains only to provide this natural decoration with proper care. The following tips will help.

  • Buy a trimmer. It will help in keeping the beard and mustache in perfect shape. If you have not had to work with this device before, start with a nozzle that leaves the longest hairs. Other nozzles come in handy after gaining experience.
  • Proper vegetation care involves the use of combs with wide and sparse cloves. Stay your beard daily after sleep. As a result, she will “remember” the form.
  • Cut medium and long vegetation with sharp scissors with a guy line. This will give the beard a contour. If the hairs are not trimmed in a timely manner, the decoration will take on an untidy appearance.
  • If the beard itches, use specialized oils. For this purpose, funds that include alcohol are not suitable. They enhance discomfort and additionally dry the skin.
  • Pay particular attention to the mustache. As they grow unevenly, trim with scissors. If you do not want to make the image comical, do not cut the upper part of the mustache. To make your mustache look always perfect, use wax.
  • Wash facial hair with your face. Once every three days, arrange a beard bath day. To make it flexible, smooth and soft, buy a special shampoo.
  • For washing beards and mustaches, ordinary soap is not suitable. It makes the hairs stiff, which complicates styling. Craft soap is best suited for this purpose.
  • Treat beard with aromatic oil to eliminate odor. It will hide the smell of cigarette smoke and the smell of eaten herring with onions, cheer up and cheer up.
  • Dry your beard with a towel. At the end of water procedures, dry the vegetation with a bath towel. Using a hair dryer for drying is not recommended, as it dries the hair and contributes to the appearance of dandruff.

Video tips

Following the advice of professionals, make the beard beautiful and well-groomed. And she, as a token of gratitude, will make sure that you always look irresistible. By the way, if after the bath you need to go freeze, it is recommended to use a hairdryer in individual cases for quick drying of the beard. Subcooling will do more damage to wet hair than hot air.

Folk Beard Care

The image of a man with a beard and mustache is incredibly popular among women. Well-groomed facial vegetation makes the appearance of a young man courageous and helps with visual correction of the face contour.

This trend will continue for more than one year. Representatives of the cosmetics industry are aware of this, as a result of which various means for caring for this natural men's jewelry regularly appear on the market.

To beard always looked irresistible, it is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of factory cosmetics. There are folk remedies that help in caring for a beard is no worse.

  1. Burdock oil. Many men are faced with a problem, the essence of which boils down to rare facial facial hair. To improve the quality of the beard and make it thicker will help burdock oil. With regular use, applying to the bristles, you will see the result in a month.
  2. Homemade shampoo. The beard, like the hair on the head, needs to be washed daily. Instead of a purchased product, it is recommended to use homemade shampoo. To prepare it, mix equal amounts of hop cones, burdock root, birch leaves and calendula flowers, pour 50 ml of hot beer and wait a bit. Then strain and use instead of shampoo.
  3. Beetroot Water. If dandruff appears on the beard, beetroot water will help to solve the problem. Take a three-liter jar, pour one and a half liters of water and put peeled and chopped beets. When the composition is infused, use a beard instead of water to wash it. Dilute the infusion with warm water before use.
  4. Olive mask. Men with sensitive skin are recommended to use a mask that provides a gentle cleansing effect. The best solution is a composition based on olive oil and mustard powder. Mix the ingredients in a 1 to 2 ratio and apply to the beard for 20 minutes.
  5. Mustard mask. A nourishing mask is suitable for strengthening hair roots. To make it, add a little mustard powder to a regular shampoo. Process the beard with the resulting compound, rinse and rinse with warm water after 30 minutes.
  6. Massage. After washing and water procedures do massage. In circular motions with your fingers, gently massage your face. This will improve blood circulation in the beard area and positively affect hair growth.
  7. Aromatherapy. Smoking beards will not be prevented by beard aromatherapy. After washing at the base of the vegetation on the face, apply a little essential oil and spread it on the surface of the hairs with a comb. For this purpose, essential oil of chamomile, rose, calendula, rosemary or lavender.

The results of numerous studies have shown that nutrition affects the condition of facial vegetation. Therefore, try to eat right, by including in the diet as much as possible saturated foods with vitamins and minerals.

Purchased Beard Care

Many noteworthy cosmetics are sold. Consider the category of purchased beard care products, focusing on proper use. This will help in the care of the beard and protect from trouble.

  • Wax. This purchased product copes with the task of pacifying naughty hair. Wax is also good in terms of stylization. It is used for both mustache and beard. Remember, with improper actions, the product glues hair and provides a not-so-pleasant effect. Therefore, it is more suitable for experienced bearded men.
  • Oil. A purchased product is a mixture of oils with an admixture of a vitamin complex and natural fragrance. Oil strengthens hair follicles. In the arsenal of a beginner bearded man, this product must be present, because during the period of growth of the bristles into a short beard, accompanied by unpleasant sensations, it softens and soothes the skin.
  • Soap. Ordinary soap is not suitable for caring for a beard, as it dries the skin and makes hair stiff. Use a special or homemade soap. It contains components that cleanse the skin, nourish and protect the hairs. After using the product, the treatment of the skin with a moisturizer is welcome.
  • Shampoo. Hair growing on the beard differs from the hair on the head in structure. They are tougher and less obedient, and ordinary shampoo only cleanses, but does not soften. Therefore, care for the beard at home involves the use of special shampoo. Thanks to its special composition, it positively affects the condition of the beard, makes it soft and obedient, protects against dandruff. Unlike conventional head products, special shampoo is suitable for daily use.

Summing up, I’ll say that in the arsenal of everyone who is serious about caring for a beard, there must be several mandatory things. We are talking about oil, soap, shampoo and balm. These funds, combined with the advice of professionals, will make the beard chic, and it will thank the owner with an unsurpassed look and amazing effect.

Professional home mustache care

A well-groomed mustache is a symbol of male personality. They help to change the style and bring zest to the image. But caring for a mustache at home is not easy. If shaving takes a lot of time, caring for vegetation requires a lot of time, reinforced by diligence.

Among men, two types of mustache are popular.

  1. Adjoining mustache. They are characterized by a short length of vegetation adjacent to the skin integument. This version of the mustache is the most popular among men, since it requires less effort when leaving. A trimmer is used to shape, and the length is adjusted with scissors.
  2. Independent mustache. It is a long vegetation of model form. Such mustaches are let out by men who are not afraid of bold experiments with appearance and are confident in the ability to provide vegetation with proper care.

Professionals recommend that beginners start by growing an adjacent mustache. After acquiring the necessary skills and successfully completing experiments with the first option, you can switch to an independent mustache. Now about leaving.

  • Regularly comb your mustache to the sides.. This simple technique helps to detect individual, improperly protruding hairs. Use a trimmer or scissors to correct the mustache contour.
  • Trim the trimmer. First cut the mustache from the middle, and then adjust the length of the right angles. To give the final form, process the line at the bottom of the mustache with a razor blade.
  • Use wax to fix the shape of the tips.. Warm up the product in your hand, apply a drop to the bottom of the mustache and shape. With the combined efforts of the thumb and middle finger, twist the tips in the desired direction.

Finally, I will share a little trick. If wax to fix hair is not at home, replace the purchased cosmetics with soap or honey. These tools cope with the task of laying and fixing no worse. Only in rainy weather is it better not to use them.

To give the mustache a chic look, you need practice paired with patience. In the future, the care procedure will become familiar, as a result of which care will become less costly in time and effort.

Caring for a beard and mustache is not an easy task, but it is easier for modern men to care for facial hair than bearded men from previous eras, because many methods, techniques and procedures have been created over the years to help get the best result.

It is possible that at the initial stage difficulties will arise with the choice of devices and products for the care of a mustache beard. Over time, you will hone your skills and begin a cloudless "bearded" life.
I hope this guide will be a reliable help in achieving the goal. Do not forget to appreciate the result of my work, because the reader’s review is an incentive to the development of the project. Good luck

Watch the video: Taming the Beast: Mustache Trimming Tutorial. Greg Berzinsky (October 2024).

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