How to choose a durable male and female rain umbrella

An umbrella is an indispensable little thing that protects from rain and complements the image. I dedicate this article to finding the answer to the question of how to choose a high-quality and durable rain umbrella.

Companies manufacturing such products are not without imagination and taste. An assortment is available for us, distinguished by materials, design and color.

Sometimes, under the influence of a strong wind, the spokes easily break, but an umbrella was bought recently. Or, after some time, the fabric burns out and wipes, and the pen tends to "break relations" with the core. To avoid this fate, before going to the store, study the recommendations regarding the choice. Having become acquainted with the characteristics of products, you will recognize a fake and protect yourself from breakage.

Umbrella cane - the most durable

The most durable umbrella is considered to be a cane, from which even when folded, it blows with elegance. It protects against the vagaries of nature due to the large and rounded dome. But there is a drawback: it does not fit in a bag.

Foldable - practical and compact

Fits in a bag. True, the design of the rod is folding, which increases the likelihood of breakage.


  • The mechanical model. It opens and closes manually. Umbrellas of this kind are more durable than automatic ones.
  • Semi-automatic model has a special key. To open the dome, the key is held down.
  • Automatic have a lot of fans. To open the dome, just press the key. You have to close it yourself.
  • The double machine is a miracle. After the first press, the umbrella will open, after the second - it will close. Reliability and durability depend on the quality of the mechanics.

8 highlights

How successful the purchase will be depends on knowledge of the mechanisms and materials. The success of the operation is determined by the ability to test the umbrellas.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the material of the dome. The appearance of premature rubbing, tearing and other oddities of an unpleasant nature depends on its quality.
  2. The undisputed favorite is nylon. It is characterized by durability and resistance to wear. Harsh to the touch, but lasts a long time.
  3. Polyester is an expensive option that looks like silk. Sometimes cotton is added to it. It is characterized by elegance and reliability, but inferior to nylon in terms of wear resistance.
  4. Pongee. The material resembles a raincoat fabric. Japanese manufacturers choose. The main advantage is that water does not linger and rolls away.
  5. Teflon fabric is a French innovation. Thinner pongee. Depending on the level of lighting, it changes color.
  6. An important element is the frame. Choose umbrellas with a strong frame that can withstand strong gusts of wind. The steel structure copes better with the task, but the frames of aluminum and fiberglass are not much inferior.
  7. Choose a handle from wood. Make sure that it lies well in your hand and does not slip out. The ideal option is a wooden handle with ribs.
  8. Almost all umbrellas are made in China. Even if the label indicates a German, Italian or English manufacturer, it is likely that the umbrella is assembled in the Middle Kingdom.
Video tips

During the selection, be guided by the aesthetic side, because the correctly chosen umbrella is a fashion accessory that can lift the mood and bring a little color to the image.

Choose a female umbrella

A female umbrella is a rain protective product and part of the image, a convenient, durable and functional product that combines with clothing.

  • Design. The female image is complemented by an umbrella cane. The product is modern, durable, fashionable and comfortable. You won’t put it in a fashionable bag, but it’s impossible to lose in your hands.
  • Models of automatic or semi-automatic type. Compact and comfortable. However, my reliability is in doubt.
  • Knitting needles. Titanium-coated steel knitting needles are a leader. You can buy an umbrella with aluminum knitting needles, but they bend and cope badly with gusts of wind. A product with steel knitting needles is heavy for a lady, but there is an alternative - combined knitting needles, with carbon fiber tips.
  • I recommend umbrellas with the anti-wind system. With it you can use an umbrella in stormy weather.
  • Material. It should dry quickly and contribute to the smooth rolling of drops.
  • In the selection process, be guided by hair color and skin tone. People who pick up an umbrella for outfits are impractical. Choose a trendy color more efficiently.

During the selection, be sure to open it, hold it in your hand and evaluate how the color scheme of the umbrella affects the skin and make sure it is comfortable.

We select a male umbrella

It’s good when the weather is sunny, but rain is needed, because water is the source of life. True, falling into the rain without an umbrella will not agree with me.

As practice shows, an average person buys fifty umbrellas during his life. For a man, umbrella design plays a last role. Representatives of the stronger sex buy the first model that caught my eye. As a result, an ugly and low-quality product is in the hands.

  1. The mechanics determine the opening speed of the umbrella. The assortment of men's umbrellas cannot be called chic. The market offers walking sticks and folding models.
  2. The cane does not fold, it is inconvenient to wear. But such a product is a reliable and stylish accessory that goes well with fashionable suits.
  3. Folding umbrella is more convenient and fits easily in a small bag, taking up little space. But with a strong wind, it turns out.
  4. In the selection process, pay attention to the quality of the material. Costly and reliable umbrellas are made from coated nylon. Budget models are based on polyester.
  5. Taking the umbrella you like in your hands, inspect the frame. It is made of aluminum, plastic, metal, wood. Material determines weight and cost.
  6. If you decide to purchase a product based on a metal frame, study the knitting needles. They must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Video recommendations

I recommend buying a quality product with a long service life. So you save. If you buy a budget option, it is possible that next year you will have to choose a new umbrella.

9 tips for choosing an automatic umbrella

Automatic umbrella - protects clothes from getting wet and keeps a fashionable hairstyle.

  1. An automatic umbrella is a fashion accessory that fits easily in a handbag. Ladies keeping up with fashion, you need to remember that an umbrella is an important element of the image, like shoes, bag or dress. Strive for unity of style.
  2. If you want to express your mood, opt for a bright model. Business women should look for a suitable option among strict and calm shades.
  3. Functionality is also important. Decide on the type of automatic umbrella: semi-automatic or double automatic. The second option is more convenient, with one click it unfolds and folds the mechanism.
  4. Decide on the dome material. The favorite is nylon - cheap, durable and resistant to wear. There are automatic umbrellas from pongee, characterized by excellent water-repellent qualities.
  5. The most expensive umbrellas are covered with teflon fabric. There are models made of polyester resembling satin. They look great, but the service life is shorter.
  6. Be sure to check the degree of tension of the material. To do this, shake the product. Do not take the model whose dome is swinging. The weave should be firmly sewn to the knitting needles with strong threads.
  7. Before purchasing, test the mechanics by opening and closing. If the structural elements move smoothly without delay and squeak, buy.
  8. The umbrella with springs supporting the spokes is durable. If the spokes are covered with titanium coating, even severe hurricanes are not afraid of the product.
  9. Well, if the design of the automatic umbrella includes a locking system that prevents unexpected opening. The presence of a plastic cover, which will protect the contents of the bag from rainwater, will not hurt.

Do not try to save on a purchase. It’s better to buy a worthwhile item than to buy cheap junk every year. I’ll add that an automatic umbrella is a great gift for March 8, a birthday or a holiday.

Umbrella Care Instructions

When they purchase an accessory, they want it to serve for a long time and not lose its original appearance. This is real, if properly looked after.


Dry the umbrella properly. Many are dried unfolded, it’s not possible. When unfolded, the wet dome is greatly stretched, which loosens the knitting needles. Do not cover the wet umbrella, it will not dry out and will allow moisture to pass through.


Thanks to the efforts of man, pure rainwater is a rarity. It contains impurities that leave traces and stains on the dome. Periodically wash the umbrella in soapy water with rinsing.

Freshness of color

After rinsing, refresh the umbrella color with a foam sponge and acetic acid solution. For a liter of water, take two tablespoons of plain or apple cider vinegar. If it was not possible to remove using conventional means, remove the stains with a solution of water and ammonia.

Dust cleaning

To clean a dusty umbrella, use a soft brush dipped in a detergent solution to wash synthetic, silk and wool products. Do not forget that acetone, gasoline and solvents should not be used for cleaning.


To extend the life of the accessory, do not place the bag at the bottom. Under the weight of things, the needles will bend or break. Ventilate the umbrella regularly and carry out preventive maintenance before long-term storage. It provides lubrication of metal elements with machine oil and wrapping joints in paper.

Watch the video: Best Womens Raincoat Reviews 2017 How to Choose the Best Womens Raincoat (October 2024).

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