How to save begonia - diseases, their causes and methods of treatment

Begonia is an unpretentious houseplant. It is valued for its bright color of leaves and lush flowering.

Beginner flower growers do not realize that it blooms profusely only in skillful and caring hands.

The duration of flowering in them increases to several months a year, and new leaves grow regularly.

If the care is wrong, she will get sick. If you take measures on time and recognize the disease by the condition of the leaves and flower, it will recede.

Plant description

Begonia is a one- or perennial shrub or shrub. Shrubs grow up to 2 meters and bloom with small flowers. Small specimens are grown in apartments, on window sills, to remove harmful chemicals from the room, moisturize the air, eliminate electromagnetic radiation and increase immunity in all households.

There are a lot of species of begonia. Even more hybrids due to the competent work of breeders - about 2 thousand. Despite the abundance of species and hybrids, everyone has useful properties and they are the same.

On a note. Feng Shui admirers advise their purchase to families, where quarrels and conflicts often occur, where there is a lot of negative energy and a bad biofield.

Read about whether it is possible to keep begonia at home, and here we talked about the beneficial and harmful properties of this plant for home and humans.

Common Causes of Ailments

It is wrong to think that the flower is not afraid of pests and infections, since the pot with it is on the windowsill. Unfortunately, they often bring them from the street on clothes or shoes. Why do plants get sick?

The most common cause of illness is free access to pests and infections due to being kept on a balcony with an open window. In order not to treat the plant, preventive measures are used. Also begonias are sick due to not taking into account the characteristics of the variety, the cultivation standards, planting, reproduction, lack of weed control and rejection of soil disinfection.

If flower growers look after a flower correctly, it will not get sick.

Symptoms and diagnoses

Let's see how the main diseases of the plant manifest.

Brown spots on the leaves and a gray coating on themNon-compliance with the ventilation mode, waterlogging of the soil. Maybe the pot was put in a too dark place
Yellowing foliageLack of sunlight. Heavy or rare watering
Leaf fallLack of sunlight
Twisting and drying leavesHeat
Rotting and wilting of leavesExcess moisture. The lack of drainage holes in the pot
Brown tipsLow humidity
Leaves turn white and gradually rotExcess watering
Falling buds and leavesDraft, heavy watering and high temperature drops

Why diseases arise, how to treat and prevent them?

Important! Begonia is sick due to improper care.

A vivid example: if she drops leaves and buds, they rarely water her, and they don’t do anything in order to moisten the air. Each disease is treated, it is worth changing the conditions of detention.

What to do if your pet is stretched out?

If the florist noticed that his pet was stretched out very quickly in the shortest possible time, he should deal with the lighting. In most cases, this problem occurs due to a lack of sunlight, less often - due to transplantation into a cramped container and lack of trace elements.

But what if it has sticky leaves and the stem rots?

An exciting question for many gardeners is what causes begonia to rot? First, sticky leaves are noticed, and after a while watery spots appear on them with a distinguishable gray coating. If you do not take action at this stage, the leaves and stem will rot. The reason is gray rot due to high humidity, temperature and heavy watering.

To cure the plant, it is necessary to remove the affected parts, reduce the temperature in the room and for a while, refuse to spray from the spray gun.

Begonia will recover quickly if it is treated with a special solution of euparen, foundationazole or topsin.

Diseases of tuberous begonias. Gray rot:

Powdery Mildew Treatment

Most often, flower growers are faced with the defeat of all ground parts of begonias with powdery mildew. At first they notice rare round-sized spots with a white coating. In advanced cases, plaque covers the entire surface. It changes its color to brown, and then fall off.

Eliminate the problem using a solution of foundationazole or serastan. Powdery mildew is not encountered if the plant is treated with ground or colloidal sulfur. A folk remedy helps for preventive purposes, for the preparation of which one liter of water is poured and 2 g of potassium permanganate and 20 g of tar soap are dissolved in it.

How to recover if not growing?

Note! A frequent reason for the lack of visible growth is heavy watering.

To stimulate the plant to grow, they change the earth and water it not as often as before. In fresh land, it grows well and blooms profusely. Sometimes growth does not stop, but slows down in winter and resumes with the onset of spring.

How to help if the leaves turn red or white?

If the leaves turn red in spring, do not worry. This is due to the abundance of light in the place where they put the pot with the plant.

Whitish bloom causes powdery mildew. The affected plant is isolated from others, the leaves are cut, and a non-specific fungicide is treated. In order not to encounter such a problem, it is advisable to reduce air humidity, increase temperature and ventilate the room, avoiding drafts.

We deal with the problem: yellow or brown spots appeared

Spots on the leaves of begonias appear due to bacterial and annular spotting. There are two problems and treatment regimens vary.

If begonias on the underside of the leaves have small glassy watery spots, flower growers are looking for a way to combat bacterial spotting. These spots become brown over time, and the flowers and petioles on the leaves turn black. To prevent the disease, from time to time the plant is sprayed with a 0.5% suspension of copper chloride. After 12-14 days, re-treatment is carried out.

Begonia does not help in any way with infection with bacterial spotting. It is destroyed, and the soil is either disinfected or thrown away.

Sometimes begonia develops ring spotting. It causes a tomato virus. In this case, the spots on the leaves are yellow-green or bronze. The disease is caused by pests, or rather aphids or thrips. If there are no pests on the leaves, then it can develop due to the rapid development of weeds. You can not cure the plant, even if you carefully treat the leaves with fungicides. It will remain on the tubers and in the spring it will die.

Most often, brown spots on the tips of the leaves are noticed. They indicate that they dry due to low humidity. The problem is solved. It is necessary to put in the immediate vicinity of the pot with a plant containers with water. Begonia is supportive of moderate spraying from the spray gun in the immediate vicinity. Read here what to do if the leaves turn yellow and dry, and if they dry along the edges and the flowers also suffer, then you can figure out this problem by reading this article.

Pests and the fight against them

What pests do you have to save begonia from? Dangers for plants are spider mites and aphids. To defeat them, process it with a solution prepared from onions. Take one liter of water and pour them 15 grams of finely chopped onion. Within seven days, the solution is insisted, and after straining, the affected plant is treated with it. Processing is stopped as soon as the pests disappear.


On a note. Garden snails are fearless for home begonias, but can cause irreparable harm to garden residents.

They appear where the soil is alkaline and there is calcium that they need to form a shell. In most cases, flower growers cannot detect the pest, as it is active in humid weather and at night. After himself, he leaves a slimy secret on the leaves.

Experienced growers do not fight snails, as they are orderlies in the garden. They recycle damaged or dead plant debris. If you do not like the fact that they have chosen begonia, use an organic approach in the fight against them. If it languishes, they feed it with fertilizers and protect parts of the plant from the activity of snails. In extreme cases, pesticides are used, cracking down on them once and for all.


A frequent and dangerous enemy of begonias is aphids. Many flower growers underestimate it, because they think that it does not move much, and, therefore, there is little harm from it. This is so, but in part. It multiplies rapidly, eating begonia juice and covering its stems and leaves with sugary secretions. If you miss the time, soon flocks of ants will be noticed on it. Even if this does not happen, all leaves will be contaminated with aphids and covered with yellow spots. They will fade and fall.

Aphids are found on the back of leaves, on young shoots, the top and buds of a charming plant. A pest with a size of several millimeters starts in the spring due to high humidity and low temperature. It is difficult to cope with aphids; it is better to prevent its appearance. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations for care, i.e. water on time, do not put the pot to be torn to pieces by direct sunlight and make sure that the air temperature does not rise above + 20 .С.

For prophylaxis, begonia is poured with nettle solution or a box with parsley is placed near it. When aphids are affected, the most effective means is to treat parts of the plant with soapy water.

Spider mite

This small pest with a body length of 0.1-0.3 mm. It is difficult to notice on the leaves of a sucking arthropod with a yellowish or green torso. He takes a fancy to the underside of leaves when the air in the room is dry and warm. Over time, they will become marble, and through a magnifying glass they will see a thin cobweb. Soon they will turn yellow and fall.

To cope with the pest, affected begonia is treated with Decis.


See below for photos of the main diseases that affect begonia.

A flower dies, how to reanimate?

If you notice that begonia disappears, try to save it. and the following tips on how to do this will help. You need to cut the good cuttings and before transplanting into another pot, wash them with a solution of green soap. They also do with tops, but the roots are soaked in phytosporin.

Reference. After transplanting into fresh soil for the early appearance of roots, the first watering is carried out using a special stimulator of their growth.

How to save from rotting?

The roots rot due to an excess of moisture. The resuscitation of begonias in this case is as follows: the grower must dig a plant and transplant it into a new pot, after treating the roots with a fungicidal preparation. Sometimes this measure does not bring the desired result, and the plant dies anyway. This is due to the rapid spread of rot in its parts. Having missed time, they will not save the darling, but they will grow a new one from the leaf or its part.


Begonia is a houseplant that rarely gets sick and becomes a "victim" of pests. It is important to follow all the rules of care, monitor the temperature of the air in the room, the "neighbors", the frequency of irrigation and humidity.

Watch the video: PLANT LEAF DRYING and BROWN at TIPS AND EDGES: Top 5 Reasons - Diagnosis Cure and Hacks Tips (October 2024).

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