How to water an orchid during flowering - rules for gardeners

Before answering this question, the first thing you need to do is find out which orchid variety is blooming.

Indeed, despite the species relationship, each individual species may have its own characteristics when watering.

A good example is the Phalaenopsis and Odontoglassum orchids, which love moisture during flowering, and Oncidium, which does not tolerate moisture at all during the flowering process.

Also, the location of the flower has a great influence, because watering the home and street orchids in the root have different features when watering. This will be discussed later.

Is it allowed during this period?

This question is the main one when watering a blooming orchid. There are a number of features associated with flowering, therefore, there are strict rules, failure to observe which can lead to the death of the plant.

First, let's talk about the flowering of orchids. This flower can bloom 2 to 3 times a year.. Before flowering, buds appear on which, after a certain time, a beautiful peduncle is formed. After some time, the buds on the peduncle will begin to open, and small flowers appear in front of the flower grower.

REFERENCE! First, those buds that are located closer to the edge of the peduncle usually bloom. Also, another feature of the orchid is that it blooms with inflorescences, and the number of flowers in one inflorescence can reach 80 pieces.

Flowers usually bloom during the day, after which a few more days develop and gain in size. Orchid can have many different shades, and also has a very pleasant aroma. The flowering period does not exceed 3 months.

How to water a flowering plant?

How and how often?

Proper watering of an orchid can preserve the orchid for many years, and also help to increase the flowering time. The main credo that must be observed when watering a blooming orchid is better not to top up than to pour.

This can be explained by the fact that in nature the orchid does not grow near water, therefore it can tolerate short periods of drought. When a plant blooms, it should not be watered often - once every 3-4 days, while the water used for irrigation should be soft, although in extreme cases you can use cooled boiled water.

Settled rainwater may be suitable for irrigation. However, it is worth remembering that the temperature of the water that is irrigated should not exceed 37 degrees Celsius.

From time to time, it will not be amiss to spray the orchid with a spray gun. An important factor when watering is air humidity. With dry air, you will have to water more often.

TIP! If you keep the orchid in a transparent container, then the whitening roots serve as a warning sign about the need for watering.

If the container is opaque, then it is worth sticking a wand into the ground. If the stick is wet, then the watering will have to be postponed.

You can find more information about what water and solutions can be used to water orchids here, and this article talks about the frequency of watering orchids at home.

Correct method

In total, there are three correct ways to water an orchid. Any other irrigation methods can harm the plant.

  • Watering can. The stream of water should be thin, and care should be taken. Watering is carried out until water pours out of the holes in the pot. Further, after filling the pan with water, it should be drained.

    The process is then repeated. The optimal time for watering is considered early morning.

  • Immersion. Using this method, the pot is placed in a basin filled with suitable water, or in a bath. The main thing is not to overexpose the orchid in moisture.

    The optimal time can be considered 30 seconds, but nevertheless, this, as well as the next method, should be avoided, especially for a beginner grower, because with the slightest violation of technology, an orchid can not only stop flowering, but even wither.

  • Bathing. A very interesting way, which should not be neglected. It is recommended to conduct it at least twice a month. It is advisable to use warm water in the region of 20 degrees Celsius. The pot is wrapped in a plastic bag and watered the soil from the tap.
    After the flower is bathed, they begin to dry it, in conclusion, the package is removed. This procedure will not only provide moisture to the orchid, but also destroy the harmful microorganisms, dust and fungal diseases.
IMPORTANT! Water should not fall on the plant itself. Particular care should be taken near the leaf sinuses and next to the growth point.

The most common mistakes when watering an orchid can be considered: overflow, water entering the axils of the leaves, spraying at close range, poor water. Now about each in order. Many, especially beginners, gardeners fill in an orchid, which is absolutely impossible. The plant does not know how to quickly absorb moisture, therefore, pouring water leads to its retention, and subsequently to rotting of the roots. To avoid problems, it is advised to use drainage.

When water enters the sinuses of the leaves, it does not absorb, but gets into the root neck of the flower, which also leads to decay, and therefore to the death of the orchid. Spraying must be carried out at a distance of at least 20 centimeters. With close spraying, large drops appear that do not have time to evaporate.

Water can be hard, either cold or dirty. When using the immersion method, water must be changed after each flower. This is done in order not to transfer pests and diseases from one orchid to another.

Detailed instructions

At home

How to water an orchid at home:

  1. Prepare water. Heat it to the required temperature.
  2. Fill the watering can with water.
  3. Start watering with a thin stream. It is necessary to carefully water the plant, without falling into the axils of the leaves.
  4. Continue watering until the topsoil has ceased to absorb moisture, or until it begins to flow into the pan.

Read more about how to water orchids in pots at home, we told here.

The process of watering on the street is almost no different. The main difference can be considered a slightly lower water temperature.

REFERENCE! Do not spray the plant in winter, as well as with prolonged contact of the orchid with direct sunlight, the exception is spraying a street orchid.

It is also worth spraying the orchid in the street before watering. The last point also naturally changes.

On the street

  1. Spray the plant. This is done to lower the temperature of the overheated orchid.
  2. Prepare water. Heat it to the required temperature. The water temperature should be about 15 to 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. Fill the watering can with water.
  4. Start watering with a thin stream. It is necessary to carefully water the plant, without falling into the axils of the leaves.
  5. Watering should be carried out until the earth around the flower is saturated with moisture.

Also, do not neglect other people's tips during flowering, because, as mentioned above, despite the general requirements, each type of orchid has its own requirements and tricks for care.

Watch the video: How to water Phalaenopsis orchids - tips for a healthy orchid (October 2024).

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