External description PAK Viva Rosita pelargonium, tips for growing and care. Flower photo

Pelargonium Viva is terry flowers that literally fascinate with their appearance. This is one of the types of domestic plants, which is appreciated for its compactness and long flowering.

In terms of care, the flower is not picky. It is perfect for beginner gardeners.

Pelargonium Viva differs from other species in large flowers, which are similar to ranunculus buttercups.

Knowing the basic rules of plant care, you can grow stunning and fluffy flower beds.

History of occurrence

Pelargonium blooms abundantly, it blooms early. For the first time, this variety was presented at the European exhibition in 2011 by the Swedish nursery Rokdala. There, the plant made a splash, as a result of which Viva pelargonium appeared at the exhibition in Moscow the next year and won prizes in many categories.

External description, features and common types

This variety of pelargonium is completely unlike its other species. It resembles a strongly terry Asian buttercup or red roses.

One inflorescence can form up to 5-30 flowers. Their diameter is 5-6 cm. The flowers in the inflorescence do not fit snugly, so that you can consider each rose individually.

The growth of a strong peduncle occurs slowly and leisurely. But this shortcoming pays off by prolonged flowering, which lasts for 2 weeks.

The bush is compact in shape, has good branching. Even without the formation of a leaf of dark green color, hard to the touch. The tips of the sheet plate along an arc of a deeper green color. If you put the flower in a bright place, then it forms lush foliage and a large number of peduncles.

Reference! You can buy a stalk at a price of 150 rubles, and a completely ready-made flower - for 650 or more rubles.


This flower forms very delicate lilac-white, densely-colored flowers. The leaves are dark green in color and wide. On one peduncle, up to 3-5 buds are formed. Flowering is long and lush.


The variety is distinguished by good bush formation and long flowering. The leaves are wide, but small in size. Their color is dark green. The flower belongs to the terry zonal subspecies of pelargonium. The color of the flowers is white with a slight pink blush that forms in the sun.


The plant is characterized by bright pink terry flowers. His leaves are green. On one peduncle, 5-6 buds are formed. During flowering, which lasts 2 weeks, the flowers are bright and lush.


Check out PAK Viva Rosita in the photo:

Landing rules

Landing events are not particularly difficult:

  1. Begin landing from November to mid-spring. The fact is that as the seedlings grow, the daylight hours gradually increase.
  2. For planting, prepare the soil composition. To do this, combine sod, peat, sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.
  3. With the obtained substrate fill the boxes. Plant seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
  4. Sprinkle with earth, but not in a thick layer. Sprinkle with water at room temperature.
  5. Cover the box with polyethylene and wait for the first sprouts, opening the film every day.

Lighting and location

And although many varieties of pelargonium are very fond of bright places, Viva has a negative attitude to the open sun, stagnant heat and overheating of an earthen coma. It is better to grow it on a window facing southwest or east. If possible, with the onset of warm days, move the flower to the street.

Soil requirements

Viva pelargonium is not demanding on the soil, but for heavy flowering and full development, moderate soil with a neutral reaction is required.

How to care?

Viva is undemanding in terms of care, but there are a number of requirements:

  • Watering. Moisten pelargonium infrequently. Just make sure that her roots do not dry out. To grow a flower, use containers with holes in the bottom. Watering is carried out directly under the bottom, then the roots themselves can take the moisture necessary for the plant. Do not use external watering and irrigation, as this can damage the integrity of the leaves and the flower.
  • Temperature mode. For full and comfortable plant growth, you need to grow it in a room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius. If possible, take the plant outside, do this.
  • Air humidity. Successful cultivation of pelargonium prevents too high humidity. It should be 65%. Ventilate the room regularly to avoid unpleasant situations.
  • Loosening the soil. These activities are required when growing Viva pelargonium. Then oxygen will penetrate into the soil, and the water will be able to leave without stagnating in the root system.
  • Fertilizer. In spring and summer, during the active flowering of the plant, introduce special mixtures of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus into the soil. Such events are held 2 times a month. Fertilizers can be purchased in specialized stores.
  • Winter care. It is not very different from the standard. Move the container with the flower to a shaded place, where the temperature will be 15 degrees heat. Water the plant 2 times a month. It is not recommended to feed, it is enough to feed pelargonium in the fall.Important! If you do not lower the temperature in winter, you can continue to care for the plant, as in the summer. During short daylight hours, take care of additional lighting with the help of light bulbs.

Common Diseases and Pests

In violation of agricultural regulations, the following diseases occur:

  1. Fungus Puccinia. It can be recognized by the characteristic red spots on the leaves of the plant. After that, they fall off, and the plant dries up. Fungicides are used for treatment.
  2. Blackleg. This is a bacterial parasite, in the presence of which the stem begins to blacken at the base. If you do not start treatment with fungicides in time, the blackening will spread throughout the flower.
  3. Gray rot. This ailment can be recognized by the presence of spots and plaque on the entire plant. Most often formed in poorly heated rooms. For treatment and prevention, it is necessary to create enough space for each of the flowers for excellent air ventilation and increase temperature indicators.
  4. Nematode. This parasite kills the root system, causing the plant to die. The affected flower will have to be thrown away, as there is no cure for this disease.
  5. Swelling of the leaves. This disease is expressed in the form of minor sagging on the leaves. Occurs in low light and high humidity. To eliminate the disease, change the soil or dry the drainage in the pots to remove moisture.

Pelargonium Viva can be affected by pests:

  • aphid;
  • caterpillars
  • whitefly;
  • termites.

The following drugs are available to combat these parasites:

  • Marathon.
  • Aspirin.
  • Monterey.
  • Messenger.

Propagation Features

The process of reproduction occurs by cuttings.
Ready-made cuttings can be purchased at a nursery or at a flower market. When planting, you can not fill the flower, otherwise it will die. Propagation by cuttings is carried out in February-March or in August-September.

Pelargonium Viva is a decorative culture that even a child can take care of. This flower blooms profusely and luxuriantly both on the balcony and on the windowsill. And in order to extend this flowering for a maximum period, the task of each grower is to create conditions that are complete for growing.

Watch the video: Flower Photo Session (October 2024).

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