Everything you need to know about begonias and home care

Could not get past the begonia and bought it? And she did it right, because caring for her will not be difficult, even for a beginner grower.

But you still have to pay a little attention to the plant so that it will please you with its beauty for a long time.

So, next, consider the basic rules for caring for a flower. Namely: proper watering; when to transplant; how to form a beautiful bush. And also, what diseases and pests threaten your beauty.

How to care for a flower after purchase?

Begonia is a wonderful houseplant, it is used to decorate gardens, parks, squareslove to grow it at home. This flower belongs to the large Begonia family. This genus has 900 species found in the wild, and about 2,000 bred hybrid samples. Indoor begonia - unpretentious plant reviews. But, all the same, so that the flower has a beautiful well-groomed appearance, it is worth adhering to certain maintenance rules. About how to properly plant or transplant after buying this plant, we described in a separate article.


In the warm season, the optimal temperature for begonia is 20-25. In winter, it is allowed to lower the temperature to 18 degrees Celsius.


Can a flower be sprayed with water? The optimum humidity for begonia is about 60%. To maintain it at this level, you can help the water tank, which should be placed near the plant, or an electric humidifier.


Place the flower not far from the window. It is mandatory, in hot summer days, do not allow direct sunlight to fall on it.

Important! Blooming begonias need somewhat brighter lighting.

The soil

Begonias require nutritious soil. It is made up of:

  • 2 parts of sheet land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of chernozem.

A layer of coarse river sand is laid at the bottom of the pot. Half of the tank is filled with sheet soil. Top filled with a mixture of peat and chernozem.

Proper soil preparation for begonia, the key to beauty, growth and longevity of this plant.

Watering and spraying

The plant needs abundant watering in the spring-summer period, but the plant should not be flooded, since it does not like stagnation of water. In winter, watering should be reduced. Also, avoid getting water on the leaves of the flower, as this leads to the appearance of brown spots, so you should not spray the plant. You will find all the nuances of watering begonias in a separate material.

Top dressing

For active growth, the flower needs top dressing. In this regard, it is necessary to water it with a fertilizer solution once every 12-18 days. Read about how to feed begonia for abundant flowering.


On a note. Young specimens are transplanted every six months, since with frequent changes begonias begin to grow well.

Adult flowers are transplanted as the capacity is filled with the root system, usually once every 3-4 years.

Special the soil for the plant can be bought at the store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • At the bottom of the pot, lay a drain of ordinary sand.
  • Cover half of the pot with leafy soil.
  • Add one to one mixture of peat and chernozem.

Below you can see a photo of how a flower transplant is performed.


Some house flowers are very finicky, and their owners have a question, how to care for them before planting? The transplant should be carried out as follows:

  1. In autumn, get a flower from the ground.
  2. Carefully prune the leaves.
  3. To clear the roots of earthen lumps.
  4. Place the tuber in peat so that it does not dry.
  5. The temperature is maintained at about 10 degrees.
Reference. The tuberous type of begonia after transplantation will begin to grow well if this procedure is carried out from February to May.

Below you can see a photo of how a flower is planted.

Names of varieties and photos

Indoor begonia flowers: types, names and photos, as well as how to care for them at home.


The main thing in caring for this plant is timely and proper watering. The plant does not like water to stagnate in the ground, This leads to the rapid development of the fungus and the defeat of harmful microorganisms of the root system. The drying up of an earthen coma can also lead to the death of the plant, although this variety is considered drought tolerant, you can not forget to water it for a long time.

Reference. In spring, after wintering, sanitary pruning is recommended, which is carried out and when flowering, faded buds are removed.

If this is not done, then she will not form new flowers. In spring, after winter, damaged and dry shoots are removed.


  • Temperature, the most suitable for growing this species is a temperature of from 20 to 25 ° C. In winter, a short-term decrease in temperature to 16-18 ° C is allowed; lowering the temperature below 16 ° C for a long time can lead to the death of the plant.
  • Lighting. If you place your flower on a windowsill, make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it, but only diffused light.
  • Humidity must be at least 60%. Since, in a room with dry air, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow.
  • Watering mode. In spring and summer, begonia should be watered abundantly, after watering, you need to wait until excess water drains into the pan and drain it.Attention! In winter, the watering regime should be reduced to moderate, and water the plants only after the earthen lump is slightly dry.

Below you can see a photo of room leaf geranium.


  • Summer temperature - 20 degrees, in winter 16 degrees. The minimum permissible temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. You can not put a flower to heat under the battery.
  • Lighting. In summer, place plants on western or eastern windows, while protecting the leaves from direct sunlight. Place the plant on the western / eastern windows. In winter, place the plant on the south side, compensating for the lack of light. Begonia partially loses its color, leaves noticeably pale.
  • Air humidity. This species is not picky about humidity.Attention! But still, do not allow the air to dry out so that the leaves do not turn yellow.
  • Watering. Water intake should be moderate. During the growth period, the soil in the pot is slightly moist, watered as the top layer dries. This trend persists until the fall. Then gradually the flow of water is reduced.
  • Fertilizer and top dressing. Fertilizers are the introduction of a mixture of organic nutrients into the soil. Most often, such actions are carried out when Begonia needs additional recharge (the period after winter). Every 1-2 years, the depleted land is changed.


  • Watering adult fist requires once a week. In winter, they should be reduced to once every one and a half to two weeks.
  • Humidity in the room where the plant is located should be about 60%. In hot summer weather, it is necessary to spray air near the plant.
  • Temperature. The optimum temperature for begonia in the warm season is from 20 to 22 ° C. In cold from 16 to 18 ° C. Do not allow the temperature to drop below 15 ° C. This will lead to the death of the flower. The plant grows well in warm rooms with bright sunlight.


On a note. Begonia Cleopatra refers to the decorative species.

The leaves of this flower are similar to maple. The color of the leaves is different from different sides. The outer side is painted in olive or bright greenish color, and the bottom is red and burgundy. The leaves are located on fleshy and long cuttings, which are covered with white or gray hairs. This distinguishes this flower from other varieties.

  • Temperature, comfortable for this plant varies depending on the time of year. In the warm season, 20-25 degrees, in the cold - from 18 to 20 degrees.
  • Humidity should be around 60%. You can maintain it at this level by placing a container of water or a special electrical device near the flower that will humidify the air. The liquid will constantly evaporate and maintain the required level of humidity.
  • Watering recommended only when the soil dries by two centimeters. Water should not stagnate in the soil, so you need to adjust its volume during irrigation.


If the plant does not bloom, do not worry, because this is such a kind of begonia. Decorative leafy begonia cannot boast of spectacular flowers; its main pride is colorful, bright leaves of an unusual shape and varied color. Unconditional the favorite of this group is the royal begonia with large leaves, the color of which flows smoothly from silver to reddish.

Below you can see a photo of home-made non-blooming geranium with reddish leaves.

Original colors have:

  1. Griffith begonia with elegant leaves;
  2. purple tiara;
  3. strict and effective Cleopatra.

Remember and try to adhere to several rules for the care of begonias:

  1. To make the begonia bushes more lush, without losing compactness, direct the shoots to the center of the pot and pinch them.
  2. In the process of transplantation, try to deepen the rhizome deeper than usual.
  3. In spring and summer, during the period of active begonia growth, constantly feed the plant with fertilizers, reducing the dose of fertilizing by the end of summer.
  4. Provide constant access of fresh air to begonia and regularly spray with fungicides, this will protect the plant from diseases such as mold or powdery mildew.


Pruning is primarily done to rejuvenate the plant.removal of old and dry shoots to form a crown and provide a begonia of a symmetrical attractive appearance, as well as to improve its flowering. Regular pruning helps maintain the correct ratio between the root system and the crown.

If the plant is grown from a small one, then the first pruning is carried out already when its height reaches the level of 7-8 centimeters. At this time, the owner decides what shape he would like to give his darling and in accordance with this carries out trimming.

When pruning, one must also take into account the variety of the plant, for example, royal rex along with all its hybrids do not need to be pruned at all, and the tops of ampelous need to be pruned often and regularly to stimulate growth to the sides. Pruning begonias in spring is appropriate for bush varieties, they should be pruned strongly, after which they have seen active growth.

Important! After flowering, all pedicels should be removed so as not to deplete the plant.

Diseases and Pests

Due to improper care, the plant begins to hurt. The most common diseases:

  • Withering and dropping of buds and leaves - due to lack of humidity of air and soil.
  • Drying of the tips of the leaves - improper watering.
  • The pallor of the leaf mass is a lack of light.
  • Curling and drying of the leaves, the appearance of white plaque (signs of fungal disease - powdery mildew) - due to an excess of humidity in the room and condensation of water on the leaves.

Control measures:

  • regular airing of the room;
  • moderate lighting;
  • timely fertilizer application.

Read more about diseases and pests in this article, and about why leaves and flowers dry around the edges and what to do in this case, you will find out here.

What if the plant turns yellow?

Sometimes yellow spots or rings appear on the begonia leaves - this is how cucumber mosaic or tomato spotting appears. Sick plants destroy.

Reference. If the leaves turn yellow and droop, this means that the begonias are cold and there is too much moisture in the ground.

Let the potted soil dry and transfer the plant to a warmer room. All the details about what to do if the leaves turn yellow and dry can be found in this article, and why they are curled, read here.


Begonia is necessary to be careful, this plant will thank you for sure, its beautiful appearance and properties. Cleans the air in your home from harmful pollution, toxins, chemicals and dust. Begonia will make the home of its owner clean and comfortable.

Watch the video: BEGONIA PLANT CARE, How to Grow and Propagate Begonia Cuttings - Garden Tips in English (October 2024).

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