What is a tiger orchid and how to care for it?

Orchid is a flower that is still gaining incredible popularity in many countries. Tropical origin does not prevent collectors from receiving such plants.

Anyone considers a tiger orchid to be that highlight that will surely decorate any greenhouse. If such a flower is still not in the home greenhouse, then all other plants are lost against each other. Tiger orchids are able to restore brightness and style to everything that surrounds them.


Tiger orchid appeared in South America, and later became common in other countries. By their colors, they are quite original, even unique, but tiger orchids belong to the part of the family, which includes approximately 330 subspecies. Such flowers require special care and attention, because many nuances are taken into account when buying orchids.

REFERENCE! Flowers sprout in temperate countries, but the temperature should be no more than twenty-two degrees. Among other things, air humidity must comply with the established rules that the plant can withstand.

It is worth noting that more attention is paid to fertilizers, because without them, the plant can lose excellent brightness and uniqueness. Flowers can be any color, but spots and stripes that resemble the skin of a tiger remain a characteristic feature.

Any subspecies of such a plant is unique and beautiful in its appearance, but tiger ones stand out from the rest of the flowers. Among other things tiger orchids stand out in their original formTherefore, it will be very easy to recognize just such a plant among the thousands of others.

It is worth noting that not all people have seen such beauty live, but you can still view them on the Internet. Of course, I would like to touch many or smell the plant, but if there is no possibility, then it is worth being content with only a photo.


Next, you can see the photo of the plant:


Any ornamental plant can bloom only if all the conditions of detention are met. Otherwise, it may happen that the plant ceases to bloom or even dies. It is necessary to maintain humidity, temperature and fertilizer quantityso that the plant does not need anything.

If the plant does not start to bloom, then some steps should be taken to fix it. A blossoming flower is incredibly beautiful and attractive, so you should do everything possible to make the plant healthy. The number of such flowers can reach one hundred pieces.

Orchids bloom at the moment when the buds bloom, but they do it gradually. This process takes about one day, after which the flower is in the growth stage.

ATTENTION! At the moment when the buds begin to blossom, it is necessary to make a reliable support for the flowers. if such actions are done before flowering begins, then the plant can be protected from injury or death.

Heavy flowers will lie on the support and grow in its direction. The most reliable in this matter will be a wooden base with small clamps. Of course, you can use all the means at hand to bind the plant.


If you properly care for the tiger orchid, you can get a beautiful plant that will bloom for a long time. It is necessary to create conditions that would resemble the tropics, so that the orchid adapts to such a development. The plant blooms several times a year, but this can happen at certain stages.

At first, inflorescences bloom, and as soon as they dry, buds appear in their place. They begin to open gradually and hold for several days. As soon as the flowers fade, new ones appear in their place, but with an interval of a month. Such an interesting process can be at any time of the year, so do not be surprised. If the plant dissolves flowers in winter or autumn.

The main sign that the plant is well looked after is the presence of lush flowering. Once the orchid has bloomed, it does not need to be moved to another place so as not to disturb the inflorescences. We must not allow the temperature state to change, because we prefer the tropical climate to orchids.

The only thing that experts recommend is to increase the amount of plant nutrition. Fertilize orchids once a weekto prevent his death.

The duration of flowering can reach several months, but it depends on the genetic characteristics of the orchid. If, nevertheless, the plant owner does everything in his power, then the flower may not fall down to six months. Among other things, the duration of flowering will depend on the age of the plant.

Proper home care

In order for the plant to please its owner, it is necessary to pay special attention to certain conditions of care:

  1. The soil. It is necessary to choose the soil for your plant with extreme caution, because the amount of nutrients depends on the soil. The soil should consist of pine bark, cones and sand. Organic components are an integral part of the soil. Among other things, do not forget about feeding the plant, because the roots require mineral salts and elements.
  2. Humidity and temperature. Tiger orchid requires temperature indicators of no more than twenty-five degrees, so it is not recommended to allow a decrease. Humidity should be 70%, so if such indicators fall, then you should do everything possible to bring them back to normal.
  3. Lighting. Such a plant is very fond of light and heat, so lighting should be treated with great attention. In the afternoon, the orchid should bathe in the sunlight. At night, fluorescent lamps should work. Of course, their number should not be very huge.
  4. Watering. Hard water is not recommended to water the plant, because it can damage the roots.
IMPORTANT! Stagnation of water in the pot should not be allowed; therefore, it is necessary to check the drainage under the pot and, if possible, remove excess water.

Diseases and pests

As soon as a person buys a plant in a store, he must check the potter and the ground for pests. If you place an orchid in the water, then the parasites themselves will begin to creep out of the plant. The most dangerous for tiger orchids are:

  • ticks;
  • wood lice;
  • fools;
  • aphid.

Therefore, the necessary measures should be taken to combat the residents of the potter.

If the tiger orchid does not receive proper attention, then you may encounter the appearance of rot on the roots and rust, affecting the leaves. Affected areas must be carefully removed so as not to harm healthy parts of the plant. All diseases can be cured quite easily.The main thing is to simply use the necessary drugs.

Preventive procedures for the plant should be carried out as often as possible, namely once a month. If everything is done correctly, then diseases and pests will not stand in the way of normal growth. A variety of nutrients can prevent diseases and growth disorders. Owners of tiger orchids will be the happiest, because they have an incredible miracle of nature in their collection.

Watch the video: Rare Tiger Orchid blooms in Singapore (October 2024).

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