How can aloe be grown from a leaf and what if the plant does not take root?

Aloe is one of the most popular indoor plants grown at home. Refers to a group of succulents. It is a long fleshy leaves with thorns on the sides.

Many gardeners loved it not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a medicinal one.

The homeland of aloe is Africa. At home, the cultivation of aloe vera is mainly carried out.

Is it possible to plant a leaf without a root?

Leaf propagation is used at home to rejuvenate and give new life to an old plant. This method is the most common among flower growers. How to plant a leaf without root? A strong plant with large leaves is selected, a leaf is cut a short distance from the stem, the cut should dry in the open air for several days.

Read more about planting aloe without a root here.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Benefits: subject to the correct conditions of transplantation, the plant takes root very quickly and begins to give new processes (how to propagate aloe by the process, read here).

The disadvantage of this method may be infection of the plant due to improper planting techniques.

When cutting a leaf from a plant, you need to use a sterile tool so as not to infect the infection. Such a plant takes root very poorly and can die.

What season is the best time to propagate?

Experienced gardeners recommend that the plant propagate in early spring and until the end of May, at this time of the year all natural processes are activated, the plant gradually leaves its dormant state or sleep and goes into the growth stage, therefore at this time of the year it takes root more easily, it happens faster rooting.

In winter, the plant is at rest, it is undesirable in the cold to transplant, top dress and frequent watering. When transplanted in winter, the plant may die.

Soil selection and preparation

When transplanting succulents, you must correctly select and prepare the soil. To do this, it is advisable to purchase a balanced floral soil for cacti, rich in micronutrients with a high iron content, necessary for the full growth and development of the flower:

  • the soil should easily pass air, not retain water;
  • the earth should be neutral and slightly acidic;
  • you can not add peat, this leads to an increase in the level of acidity;
  • leaf humus, charcoal and sand can be slightly added to the soil.

The ground, before filling the pots, it is desirable to process the heat. This is necessary for disinfection from pathogenic bacteria and pests.

Attention! Before filling the pots with soil, at the bottom of the container, it is necessary to make drainage from small pebbles or coarse sand, prepare a pot with a hole in the bottom. This is done so that the water does not linger and there is good air ventilation.

How to cut a leaflet?

Cut a leaf from an adult plant at a small distance from the stem. Cut with a clean sharp tool at a slight angle. The cut point should be treated with activated carbon powder and dried. The leaflet is stored in a dark, dry place for several days.

It is necessary to wait for the formation of the film, it serves:

  1. A protective barrier against pathogens and infections from the soil and water.
  2. A battery of nutrients from the leaf that he will need for further growth and development.

After the formation of the film, you can prepare the plant for planting for further cultivation as a separate flower.

Is one enough?

How to grow a flower from one leaf, can this be done? After all Aloe leaf in preparation for planting may not root and rot, since it contains a lot of moisture, the probability of plant survival is very low. Therefore, you can prepare several leaves at once. Surviving and stronger leaves leave for further planting.

How to propagate at home?

Consider a step-by-step algorithm on how to grow aloe from a leaf. After the formation of the film at the site of the cut, the leaf is planted in pre-prepared moistened soil as follows:

  1. Place the sheet in the soil with the tip of the slice down to a depth of 3 cm.
  2. Carefully cover the leaf with a wide-necked jar or film.
  3. Put the pot in a bright place.
  4. So that the leaf does not come into contact with the ground, it is necessary to impose small pebbles on all sides.
  5. For better root formation before planting, treat the leaf surface with a growth stimulator.

Outdoor landing

In summer, aloe can be planted in the open ground., for this:

  • need a more careful choice of landing site;
  • it is necessary to protect the plant from direct sunlight and strong winds;
  • it is undesirable to plant on the north side;
  • in the daytime, the plant can be a little shaded.

It is described above how aloe propagates at home, how to properly root a leaf of a flower, the algorithm for planting a plant in open ground is the same.


  • Before planting a leaf, it is imperative to moisten the soil.
  • The plant does not require abundant watering, root rot may occur. Do not allow the soil to dry out, the pot with the plant must be put on a pallet with water for a faster appearance of the root system.
  • Water for irrigation should be warm.
  • Put the plant in a well-lit room, avoiding direct sunlight.
  • Provide fresh air, avoid drafts.
  • Regularly spray the plant.
  • After planting, fertilize the plant for good development of the root system. Mixtures for cacti and succulents are suitable for feeding, you can use liquid concentrates based on minerals, following the instructions for the drug and safety precautions. From an overdose of fertilizers, the plant may die.

What to do if the plant does not take root?

There may be several reasons:

  1. There is no drainage at the bottom of the pot; air does not pass well to the plant. Before filling the pot with soil, put small pebbles, coarse sand or gravel at the bottom.
  2. Waterlogging the soil. The cut begins to rot, not allowing the plant to take root. It is necessary to very carefully pull out the leaf from the pot and see if decay has begun, then it becomes unsuitable for planting.
  3. The survival rate of the plant also depends on the pot, it is advisable to use clay pots - they better pass air.
  4. Infection of the leaf with pathogenic microbes, pests. The leaf begins to dry. It is necessary to remove the leaf from the soil and once again process the earth with high temperatures.


So that the plant does not cause trouble during breeding, listen to the advice of experienced amateur gardeners. Growing and caring for them is within the reach of even beginners. Following all the recommendations for care and breeding, after a few years the plant will delight not only with its beauty, but also with its healing properties.

Watch the video: How to grow Aloe Vera from single leaf 100% root (October 2024).

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