A popular and inexpensive personal care product: aloe vera oil

Modern science with full confidence says that even the ancient Egyptians knew about the miraculous properties of aloe vera. This knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation and has been preserved to this day.

Succulent plant oil is considered a universal remedy in cosmetology and medicine.

Also, it has practically no contraindications and side effects.

Useful and healing properties

Aloe vera essential oil is an oily liquid with a yellowish tinge. In production, it is mined by maceration.

This is the physiological process of obtaining fluid from flower leaves, in which another, exclusively vegetable oil serves as a “carrier”. In this case, soybean is used.

The substance from aloe has a considerable range of positive effects on the body. And all thanks to its composition, in which there are:

  1. vitamins A, B, C, E;
  2. enzymes;
  3. minerals and trace elements;
  4. amino acids;
  5. polysaccharides;
  6. resins;
  7. styrenes;
  8. anthrachine glycocides;
  9. chromonodes.

Over 200 active substances contribute to rejuvenation and healing. organism as a whole. Aloe extract is capable of:

  • heal purulent wounds, cuts;
  • help with fungal diseases of the feet;
  • treat dermatological diseases (eczema, dermatitis, acne, urticaria);
  • tone and nourish the skin;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • protect the skin from loss of excess fluid;
  • gently cleanse and deeply nourish the skin;
  • eliminate bacteria and germs.

How to make a cosmetic product?

To prepare macerate at home, that is, oil infused with a medicinal plant, you should use the instructions.

  1. Choose an adult flower that is at least 3 years old.
  2. Trim the bottom thick leaves.
  3. Rinse them with water, then pat them dry with a paper towel.
  4. Refrigerate for 12 hours to bio-stimulate.
  5. At the end of time, the leaves should be cut lengthwise.
  6. Separate the gel-like liquid and preferably place it in a glass container.
  7. There should be added vegetable oil from olives, sunflowers or wheat germ. In a percentage ratio of 1: 9, 10 ml of oil is needed per 10 g of crushed aloe leaves.
  8. The container in which the mixture is located is best placed in a dark place with a temperature of + 20-22 ° C for a period of 14 days. At the same time, shake the mass every two days.
  9. After 2 weeks, filter the mixture and mix with 1 capsule of vitamin E for long-term storage.

How and why to apply?

Succulent essential oil is an essential ingredient in cosmetology. It is included without limitation in the composition:

  • massage mixtures;
  • hair masks;
  • creams (about creams with Aloe vera we have a separate article);
  • lotions;
  • hygienic lipsticks;
  • after shave;
  • toilet soap.

Aloe ether can be added to ready-made products in accordance with the following proportions:

  • 10 ml of face lotion need 5 drops of oil;
  • 10 ml of shampoo - 10 drops of oil;
  • 5 mg of cream - 7 drops of succulent plant ether.
The substance aloin contained in the ether protects the skin from sunlight, reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. And thanks to its emollient and moisturizing qualities, it is used as a tanning agent. As a result, you can easily get a smooth, bronze tan, without redness and skin burns. All the nuances of using Aloe Vera from burns, sunburn and other skin problems can be found here.


As already mentioned, aloe-based oily substance has a rich composition of medicinal components. Therefore, it is often used in expensive cosmetics. The percentage composition of the plant elixir in it is about 50-70%, but for example, in budget products the indicator is kept at 5%.

In its pure form, ready-made essential oil is also not cheap. Therefore, the best option would be - the preparation of cosmetics based on aloe vera alone at home. Such drugs will have excellent quality, and it will cost a lot.

For face

Aloe macerate has unique anti-aging, tonic qualities. Its regular use will significantly improve the condition of the epidermis:

  • relieve peeling;
  • irritation;
  • dryness
  • adjust the water balance of the skin.

This tool You can use as an additional component of ready-made creams, and instead of them. Aloe-based preparation has an amazing ability to quickly absorb, moisturize the deep layers of the skin well, without leaving a feeling of oily, sticky film on the face.

  • Mask for oily skin.

    Ingredients: 1 chicken egg protein, aloe oil, lemon juice. Mix and immediately apply to the skin of the face. Soak for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Repeat 2 times a week.

  • Mask for dry skin.

    Combine the ingredients in equal proportions: aloe vera macerate, honey, oatmeal. Mix the mixture until smooth. You can apply on the face daily. Keep at least 30 minutes.

  • Mask for dull skin.

    Ingredients: aloe ether, strawberry pulp, peach seed oil, a small amount of St. John's wort. By combining the ingredients, the mass is applied to the skin. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

You can find more information about natural facial skin care with Aloe Vera in a separate article.

For hair

Cosmetics for hair from succulent oil strengthen the hair follicle, nourish and moisturize the scalp, heal split ends, stimulate growth.

A natural component suitable for every type of hair. Adding oil to shampoos and balms, after a while you will see a positive result.

  • Mask for dry hair.

    Combine aloe macerate with 1 yolk, add the essential oils of lavender 10 drops and sage 5 drops. Apply to clean, damp hair. Leave on for 25 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

  • Mix for shine.

    Take honey, aloe oil and castor oil. Mix and apply to wet hair. Hold for 15-20 minutes. Wash your hair well with shampoo afterwards.

  • Mask for strengthening hair.

    You need to take: burdock oil, aloe vera ether, yolk, honey, 3-4 drops of lemon ether. Stir everything and rub into the scalp. After leaving for half an hour. Wash hair well with shampoo.

Read more about the use of aloe vera for hair, read in this article.

For body

Aloe vera oil is valuable for its nutritional properties. It restores the lipid layer, enriches skin cells with oxygen, increases tissue strength. Aloe vera essential product is suitable for independent use or as part of other essential oils.

Means for the body: 50 ml of aloe oil and 25 ml of oil: jojoba, wheat germ, almond, pink. All components mix. Apply to a damp body after a shower. The procedure is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a week.

For skin

Known for an excellent tool that can easily cope with stretch marks on the body, scars, sunburns, age spots. And they consist of only two components: aloe vera oil and coconut oil.

Ingredients for Homemade Gel:

  • 50 ml aloe macerate;
  • 100 mg coconut oil (solid);
  • 2-3 drops of any essential oil (pink, orange, vanilla) to enhance the effect.

Heat the components in a water bath, with constant stirring for 10 minutes. After pour into a glass container. Store in a cool place for no more than two weeks.

Aloe vera butter is a 100% natural product made from aloe vera extract with the addition of coconut or soybean oil. Its consistency is solid, without odors. Perfect for preparing home-made cosmetics for hair and skin care. It can be used without impurities, only preheating. Butter butter easily copes with unpleasant odors, slows down the aging process of the skin.


Aloe oil has no contraindications. However, it should be used with caution for people with individual intolerance to the components. Sometimes causes allergic reactions.

After the above, we can conclude that the regular use of aloe vera oil will significantly improve the condition of the skin, give them a second youth, take care of their hair, and protect them from scorching sunlight. At the same time, it will not bring any side effects.


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