Rugosa, or wrinkled rose - photos, description of varieties, nuances of growing

Bright decorative rose hips with wrinkled foliage and delicate fragrant flowers that adorn household plots, alpine slides and roadsides of city roads are represented by a wrinkled rose - rugosa.

Rugosa is widespread in all climatic zones, has a powerful root system and rapid growth, and the result of its long and abundant flowering is large fleshy fruits used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

What it is?

Wrinkled roses (Rugosa, wrinkled wild rose) is a species of the Rosehip family from the Pink family, an ornamental shrub plant. It has several garden varieties, is unpretentious in care and is widespread in temperate zones. Able to form impenetrable dense thickets.

The plant is a bush with straight thick stems from 1 to 2.5 m in height. Young stems are thin and elastic, green, old - thick, lignified, red-brown.

The shoots are covered with small thin spikes, against which thick sharp spikes stand out on a wide base. Roots reach 3 m in length, white-brown, highly branched.

The leaves have the shape of an elongated ellipse and serrated edges, wrinkled, bright green, reach a length of 2.5 to 5 cm, covered with white short hairs. The flowers are white, red or pink, have a delicate fruity aroma. Fruits up to 2-3 cm, roundish and flattened, fleshy, as they ripen, they change color from green to red.


  • Frost resistance.
  • Resistant to many pests and diseases.
  • Undemanding in leaving.
  • Prolonged and plentiful flowering.
  • Strong root system.
  • Good yield (up to 3-4 kg of fruit from one bush).


  • Rapid growth in a short time, because of which the plant occupies large areas.
  • The bush can crowd out other flowers and block their access to light.
  • The constant growth of new shoots.

History of occurrence

Rugosa Natural Range - Japan, China, and Korea. Due to its high adaptation to various climatic conditions and growth in subtropical and cold zones, the plant attracted the attention of British breeders in the middle of the 17th century and was exported outside the countries of the East.

After numerous experiments on growing roses under various conditions, the English grower Joseph Banks identified and distributed many varieties of rugose throughout Europe. The bush, forming impenetrable spreading thickets, has become a popular element of landscape design.

Specific signs of Rugosa

  • The presence of large edible fruits rich in vitamin C.
  • Strongly branched roots that strengthen the soil.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Good tolerance of both drought and waterlogging of the soil.
  • Long flowering period.

Beneficial features

  1. The ability to increase immunity.
  2. Prevention of anemia and normalization of blood pressure.
  3. Obstruction of cholesterol accumulation.
  4. Replenishment of vitamin deficiency.
  5. A positive effect on intestinal motility.
  6. Moderate diuretic effect.

Flower petals and fruits are edible and rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and essential oils. They make sweet desserts, medicinal teas, essential oils and eau de toilette.

Description and photo varieties


Alba - a very sprawling shrub with white flowers. It is well adapted for growth in cold climates, tolerates prolonged freezing. The aroma is not characteristic.


Lush bush with raspberry double flowers up to 4 cm, collected in inflorescences and resembling clove flowers. The leaves are dark and shiny, the aroma is mild.


It differs in large bright red flowers with a large number of petals (30-40), tightly adjacent to the core. Full opening of the bud does not occur. The foliage is saturated malachite color.


Variety with dark emerald brilliant foliage and red-purple flowers up to 10 cm in size. Hansa has a strong fruity smell.


Low bush up to 45-60 cm in height. Flowers from 8 to 10 cm, slightly terry, lilac with a pink tinge.


Pyramidal shrub up to 2 m high with cup-shaped light pink flowers 4-6 cm in size. Semi-double petals, up to 40 pieces on a peduncle. The variety is highly resistant to frost.

New land

An early variety up to 3 m high, featuring a persistent, refined aroma. Green-bronze rose leaves, terry flowers, cuppedconsist of 20-30 petals.

Queen of the North

Variety with the highest frost resistance and developed root system. It is characterized by abundant flowering. The foliage is dark green, rounded. The flowers are large, up to 7-9 cm, terry, red-raspberry.

Frau dagmar harlopp

Squat shrub with straight branches and salmon-red flowers. The aroma is mild, fruity. The variety is suitable for the formation of an alpine hill.

Roseraie de I'Hay

Roseraie de I'Hay is distinguished by large terry cherry-red flowers and a fragrant firm smellreminiscent of the aroma of tea roses.


Miniature wrinkled rose with terry buds in white. The foliage is bright green, the branches are strewn with small needle-shaped spines.


Flowering is long. The first wave occurs in early June, after which the first fruits develop on the bushes. Flowers have white, red or pink color, simple or double, up to 5-10 cm in diameter, contain 5-100 petals. Flowering is repeated in early September.

Care before and after

Before budding, it is necessary to cut off all the old branches and pinch the tops of the shoots, to exclude the use of nitrogen fertilizers. After flowering, the bush is fertilized with wood ash or mulched with mowed herbs.

What to do if it does not bloom?

If flowering does not occur, it is necessary to fertilize the plant with potassium fertilizers and prune non-flowering shoots.

Use in landscape design

Wrinkled roses do not need support, are characterized by rapid growth and can form a large, spreading bush within one season.

In landscape design, they are used to create hedges, design peripheral zones of the site, as well as in single landings.

Step-by-step care instructions

  • Choosing a landing place. The rose is planted in calm, sunny, preferably southern places.
  • The soil should be fertile, loose and alkaline, which is achieved by adding rotted manure.
  • Landing seeded in March-April. Planting material is moistened and planted to a depth of 1-2 cm in seedling boxes. Seed germination begins in a week. When the seedlings reach a length of 10-12 cm, they are planted in open ground to a depth of 10-15 cm. There should be a distance of at least 1 m between the seedlings.
  • Temperature. Rugosa grows at 18-34 degrees Celsius, the optimum temperature is 22-24 degrees.
  • Watering spend at the rate of 10 liters per bush 1 time in 2-3 weeks. During a drought, the frequency of watering is increased.
  • Top dressing carried out in spring using mineral and organic products:

    1. urea;
    2. peat;
    3. humus;
    4. "Agricoli-Aqua";
    5. "Roses";
    6. "Pokona";
    7. Gloria.
  • Pruning carried out from the third year, in the fall, after harvesting the fruits. The underlying branches and root shoots are subject to removal. The shoots are pruned, leaving up to 20 well-developed branches. When they reach a height of 70 cm, pinch their tops. In the following years, non-fruiting branches are removed and the crown is cut.
  • Transfer. Held from late August to September or spring. The grafting site is harvested from the south side and fertilized with potassium. The shrub is dug out together with the ground so as to capture a plot of 60 to 50 cm roots.

    As they dig, the roots are simultaneously covered with burlap, after which the bush is removed and transferred to a new place. The roots are sprinkled with soil, which is tamped, and watered with the addition of fertilizing.

  • Preparation for winter. Activities include trimming stems up to 70 cm at an angle of 45 degrees, removing old branches and pinching the shoots. The shelter consists of three layers:

    1. sand (they cover the roots);
    2. dry peat (to maintain heat);
    3. spruce spruce branches (top layer).

Procedure for reproduction

  1. Cuttings. At the beginning of summer, green cuttings are harvested, which are obliquely cut with three nodes, the lower leaves are removed and treated with a growth accelerator, after which they are planted in open fertilized soil to a depth of 10-12 cm.After planting, the ground part of the cuttings is cut, leaving up to a third of the length.
  2. Root shoot. To do this, at the beginning of April, they dig out shoots 35-40 cm long and cut the root with a shovel. After trimming, the processes are transplanted into pre-prepared pits to a depth of 15-20 cm and at a distance of at least 1 m from each other.

Wrinkled roses are distinguished by difficult and long rooting, therefore, during propagation, root growth stimulants (Kornerost, Kornevin, Zircon, Bud) must be used, and the soil is fertilized with humus or rotted manure.

Diseases and Pests

  • Wrinkled rose diseases: powdery mildew, rust, white and bacterial rot, mold.
  • Pests: leaf moth, sawfly, spider mite.

Diseases occur:

  1. change in color and shape of the leaves;
  2. yellowing and drying of flowers;
  3. the appearance of spots and plaque.
At the first signs of the disease, the bush is treated with soap-soda solution, tobacco dust, insecticides. Seasonal preventive treatments are carried out in the spring, before the swelling of the kidneys.

Wrinkled roses are lush decorative shrubs with abundant attractive flowering and high frost resistance. Rugosa cultivation consists of observing simple rules that make it possible to obtain a high hedge with two flowering waves within one season and to collect up to 4 kg of crop from one shrub. Wrinkled rose hips are edible and are actively used in cooking and traditional medicine.

Useful video

We suggest watching a video about growing wrinkled roses:

Watch the video: Makeup Counter Roleplay ASMR (October 2024).

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