The pest of indoor plants is aphid. How to deal with an insect at home?

A lot of housewives are engaged in home gardening. Green, fresh leaves are pleasing to the eye. But it happens that aphids appear on indoor flowers and the question arises: how to fight and get rid of adversity, preferably with folk safe means.

This article discusses in detail effective methods of combating a pest insect, provides information on complex-acting preparations. Also in the article you will find a photo of the insect on indoor plants.

What it is?

Aphids are tiny sucking insects from the insect family Aphididae. The group includes approximately 5,000 different species, which can be a problem for agriculture and horticulture. Adult pear-shaped, less than 0.3 cm in length.

The most common type of indoor aphid is pear aphid (light green), but it can also be pink, white, gray and black. Aphids are closely related to other common garden pests, such as white-winged and mealy insects. They feed on plant juice and secrete a sticky substance called honey dew.

Some species, such as woolly aphids, appear to have a woolly or wax coating. This is caused by the secretion that they produce.

Adult individuals are usually wingless, although most species have wings. This makes them easier to settle in other areas, especially when they need to disperse in order to find more food. In some cases, this occurs only in spring or autumn.

Where does it appear on the flowers of the house?

The misfortune of a plant is the happiness of aphids. Pest insects tend to target weakened plants. Researchers are studying the effects of insect glutathione, a chemical produced by damaged plants., and they found that glutathione is actually beneficial for some insect pests. It helps their reproduction, growth, and may even support their ability to resist pesticides.

High-sugar vegetable juice is a poor source of protein and other nutrients, so aphids must eat an incredible amount of it to get enough nutrients.

For this reason, it is important to find out the source of the plant's malaise, which made it vulnerable. The reasons may be as follows:

  • lack of sufficient sunlight or water (or too much water causing damp soil);
  • inappropriate climate or local conditions for the plant;
  • excessive use of nitrogen-rich fertilizers, which contributes to increased susceptibility of plant leaves;
  • the use of pesticides against other pests that also kill natural predators and aphid parasites;
  • transplant - stress that increases the vulnerability of a plant;
  • temporary spring population explosion of aphids before the appearance of their natural predatory insects.

How to recognize and what to do first?

Usually parasites attack young plants. You can find them on the growing shoots and flower buds. Some species feed on roots. These pests of domestic plants can appear at any time of the year and multiply rapidly. Look for clusters on buds, leaves, and stems. Aphids are especially visible along the stems.

Treat infected plants immediately, because these pests can quickly damage one, and then move on to other plants:

  1. There are many sprays, with aphid repellent ingredients ranging from various types of oils to garlic.
  2. If you need a quick “disinfection”, try to get rid of the aphids with a strong pressure of water, but so as not to damage the plant, or sprinkle flour on the infected areas.
  3. You can also try to remove aphids with your hands. Throw insects in a soap bucket of water to kill.
  4. If the aphid has infected a whole leaf or stem, cut off this part with scissors and drop it into a soapy solution.

Wear gloves to protect your hands.


Next, you can see what the pest looks like on flowers.

How to withdraw quickly with your own hands?

Among the various drugs, there are both gentle and aggressive.

"Drug 30 Plus"

A preparation for early spring cleaning of the garden from wintering stages of pests, including eggs. Effective at temperatures from +3 degrees. It is ecologically safe. Vaseline oil (dosage 760 g / 1 kg) and mineral synthetic additives and fixatives. The drug is diluted with water to the required concentration of the working solution.

  • simplicity and reliability;
  • security;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • strong ovicidal effect;
  • good adjuvant.


  1. the drug is dangerous for bees (1st hazard class), therefore, treatments are carried out before flowering;
  2. the use of the drug in the water protection zone of water bodies is prohibited.

The price in Moscow is 180 rubles / 500 ml., The price in St. Petersburg is 170 rubles / 500 ml.

Means "Fufanon Nova"

Means for combating insect pests of fruit and flower crops:

  • aphids;
  • weevil;
  • moth;
  • whitewash;
  • whitefly and others

Fufanon is not phytotoxic. The consumption of the preparation: 10 ml. / 10 l., The consumption of working solution: 1.5 l. / 10 sq.m


  • low toxicity;
  • performance;
  • increased efficiency in the heat.

disadvantages: complexity of application (use protective equipment, as well as special equipment for spraying).

The price in Moscow is 1050 rubles / 500 ml., The price in St. Petersburg is 1050 rubles / 500 ml.

Series of preparations "Spark"

Insecticides with various active substances that destroy aphids and many other pests. The form of treatment is watering and / or spraying.


  • easy to use;
  • prolonged (up to 24-30 days) protective effect;
  • resistance to water and moisture.

disadvantages - over time (3-4 years) karbofos is addictive - that is, a stable insect population will grow to an insecticide.

The price in Moscow is 14 rubles / 10 gr., The price in St. Petersburg is 14 rubles / 10 gr.

When using insecticides, you must be extremely careful:

  • no animals or children should be in the room;
  • before processing, read the instructions on the package;
  • wear gloves and a respirator;
  • treat both affected and healthy bushes.
Before you start spraying, foliage and shoots are wiped with a damp cloth or washed with soapy water.

As a rule, after the first spraying, only adults die, and the larvae remain. In this regard, it will take several treatments from 2 to 3 with a break of a week. If a certain preparation does not give the desired result, it should be replaced by another, because the aphid very quickly gets used to the same insecticide.

How to deal with a pest if it appears on violets?

Make a soap solution by stirring 2 teaspoons of mild liquid dish soap in a glass of warm water. Use a soft cloth or brush to wash the top and bottom of the leaves. Wash the plant whenever aphid appears.

How to remove from Kalanchoe?

These insects feed on juicy leaves of Kalanchoe, piercing them with stylets, which draw out the juice of cells, like a hypodermic needle. You can remove aphids with a strong jet of water from a sprayer or garden hose.

Ways to get rid of an insect on geraniums

Insecticidal soaps are considered less toxic than botanical insecticides, such as permethrins, which are formed from flowers. The trick is to use a gentle soap. Mix the insecticide in proper proportions and spray the mixture onto the affected area of ​​geranium.

How to remove from hibiscus?

There are different ways in which aphids can be killed. Under the influence of pests, the leaves curl and turn yellow, they also colonize flowers and stems, so the first thing to do is cut off all the affected parts of the plant. If the infection is severe, try spraying with drugs.

Ways to kill a flower pest on a chrysanthemum

Greenish-black nymphs and chocolate-brown adults suck juice from the cells of growing shoots and the lower surface of the leaves. Damage to aphids leads to loss of strength, yellowing and premature fall of leaves, as well as stunted growth of affected plants. The pest acts as a carrier of viral diseases, which is why it is important to know how to spray the flower to get rid of the insect.

For chemical treatment, use any spray containing 1-2% horticultural oilfor example, canola oil. Then spray wherever you notice aphids on a chrysanthemum.

How to process azaleas?

Spray foliage with insecticidal soap, wetting the tops and lower parts of the leaves during the morning, when it is still cool and the sun does not shine. Never process at temperatures above 32 ° C. Repeat every four to seven days if you continue to notice aphids on foliage.

An insecticidal soap spray kills only upon contact, and does not have a side effect on the plant.

Always carefully read the labels of drugs that contain pesticides and follow all safety recommendations exactly:

  1. Keep pesticides in a locked cabinet away from children and pets.
  2. Always leave pesticides in separate containers.
  3. Dispose of containers as recommended on the product label.
  4. Do not pour chemicals into the sink.
  5. Never burn empty pesticide packages.

Getting rid of aphids in the room may take some time, but don’t worry, this is possible, although it will require a lot of trouble. Remember that the best way to get rid of aphids on indoor plants is to use natural methods of control.

Watch the video: Houseplant pests: treating aphids, mealybugs, scale, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites (October 2024).

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