What to see in Brussels - the main attractions

The capital of Belgium, located on the banks of the Senna, annually attracts millions of tourists from around the world. Tourists are interested not only in what you can see in Brussels, but strive to become part of this unusual city. The city leaves a feeling of unreality and magic, because only here the ultramodern buildings and architectural monuments in the Gothic style coexist wonderfully, and numerous cafes and restaurants serving aromatic coffee and famous waffles complement the atmosphere.

There are so many attractions in the capital of Belgium that the city can rightly be called an open-air museum. Of course, it is impossible to visit all the historical and architectural places in Brussels in one day, but you can draw up a tourist route and see the most significant sights. Our article will help you figure out where to go in the capital of Belgium, and what to see in Brussels in 1 day.

What to see in Brussels in one day

Before you start exploring the city, get a map of Brussels with sights in Russian. This will help you navigate the kaleidoscope of museums, palaces, parks.

1. The historical center of the capital of Belgium

Historically, Brussels was divided into two parts - the Upper City, where rich people lived, luxurious palaces were built, and the Lower City, where the working class lived.

Familiarity with Brussels is best to begin with the historical center - Grand Place, which is the best proof of the high aesthetic and social level of the Belgians and is considered to be a masterpiece of architectural art. Quite rightly, the Grand Place received the status of the most beautiful square in Europe, its exclusive touch is the spire of the city hall, 96 meters high, which is visible from anywhere in Brussels.

Interesting fact! The spire of the town hall is decorated with a statue of the Archangel Michael, who is the patron saint of the city.

Opposite the city hall is the King’s House, a magnificent palace that more closely resembles the scenery for a science fiction film. Each building is an object of cultural heritage and is imbued with the spirit of history, a medieval atmosphere.

Good to know! It is difficult for a tourist who is in Brussels for the first time to concentrate his attention; I want to have time to see everything. This will help a guide who will conduct a sightseeing tour and tell you a lot of interesting facts and legends related to Brussels.

According to one legend, Louis XIV, once in the capital of Belgium, envied the beauty and splendor of the city and ordered it burned. However, Brussels merchants built their own money on the square and made it even more beautiful. Grand Place is a unique architectural ensemble, where every detail is thought out.

Here is the residence of the mayor of the capital - the city hall, decorated in the Gothic style. The left side of the building was built at the beginning of the 15th century. The right side of the town hall was built in the middle of the 15th century. Two rear towers are made in the Baroque style. The facade and inside the building are richly and luxuriously decorated. Tourists conduct excursions in English, Dutch and French. The cost of the tour is 5 euros.

Decoration of the square - Guild houses. There are 29 of them and they are built along the perimeter of the Grand Place. Each house is decorated in a specific style characteristic of the 17th century. Facades of houses are a real work of art, because families tried to demonstrate their wealth.

Interesting fact! Most tourists are attracted by the Swan House, which belonged to the butchers guild. The facade of the haberdashery house is decorated with a high relief in the form of a fox. The archer guild house is decorated with a formidable she-wolf. It is believed that sculptures bring happiness if you touch them.

There is a tradition in Brussels - every two years the Grand Place turns into a flower garden.

Another event is related to the Christmas holidays, when the most tourists come to the capital of Belgium to visit the brightest fair in Europe. On holidays, Grand Place sparkles with colorful lights, smells of different smells and beckons with different tastes. Representatives of all Belgian provinces come here to present original dishes and drinks.

The children will enjoy numerous attractions and, of course, the ice rink. In the center, a spruce sparkling with thousands of lights is installed.

How to get there:
  • train - from the station only 400 meters on foot;
  • metro - station De Brouckere, then 500 meters on foot;
  • Tram - Beurs stop;
  • Bus - stop Parlement Bruxellois.

2. Cathedral of St. Michael and Gudula

The magnificent building was built on the hill of Torenberg. It proudly rises between the two parts of the city. This is the main metropolitan cathedral, built in the 11th century and decorated in Romanesque style. In the 13th century it was reconstructed and redesigned in the Gothic style. Today it is a unique building whose architecture is a mixture of Gothic and Romanesque styles.

The walls of the temple are white, give the whole building a feeling of lightness and weightlessness. Tourists can see the basement, where the ruins of an ancient cathedral are stored.

The facade of the attraction is represented by two towers in a traditional, Gothic style, between them a gallery is built, decorated with delicate patterns carved in stone.

It is interesting! The height of each tower is almost 70 meters. From the observation deck offers a picturesque view of the city.

The greatness and grandeur of the premises do not leave anyone indifferent. Travelers spend hours strolling between columns, sculptures, admiring huge windows decorated with stained glass windows.

In the cathedral you can visit a concert of organ music. On Sunday, melodies played by the bells of the temple are heard throughout the district.

Ticket Price:

  • full - 5 euros;
  • children and for older tourists - 3 euros.

You can see the cathedral daily:

  • on weekdays - from 7-00 to 18-00;
  • Saturday and Sunday - from 8-00 to 18-00.

How to get there:

  • Metro - Gare Centrale Station;
  • Tram and bus - stop Parc.

3. Royal Galleries of St. Hubert

The oldest department store in Europe among the attractions of Brussels (Belgium) takes pride of place. The building was built in the middle of the 19th century. This is a unique, harmonious combination of culture and commerce under a cylindrical glass roof.

It is important! Tourists call the department store the most beautiful European galleries.

The opening of the sights was attended by the monarch Leopold with his sons. The department store consists of three galleries.

The building is decorated in the style of the Neo-Renaissance. Here are more than fifty stores and you can purchase any product. If you want to buy a souvenir as a keepsake of visiting Brussels, be sure to visit the incredible metropolitan department store. There is a theater and museum, an exhibition of photographs, you can have a tasty snack and just enjoy the atmosphere.

Entrance to the galleries is organized from four streets. In the passage 212 meters long and 8 meters wide, you are sure to find something to do and what to see.

Important information:

  • gallery address - Galerie du Roi 5;
  • website - galeries-saint-hubert.be.

4. Park complex Laken

The attraction is located in the historical district of Brussels with the same name and is included in the list of places that you should see in one day travel in the capital. Nearby is the royal residence. For the first time, the idea to ennoble the territory adjacent to the castle came to the head of the monarch Leopold II.

Interesting fact! The opening of the park was timed to the 50th anniversary of the independence of Belgium, which was celebrated in 1880.

A well-groomed park area of ​​70 hectares is decorated with flowers and shrubs, greenhouses are organized here - this is a greenhouse complex designed by architect Alfons Bala. On the hill stands a monument to Leopold I, as well as the Chinese Pavilion and the Japanese Tower.

In order to fully enjoy the beauty of a flowering park and see unique plants, it is best to come to Brussels in the second half of April or early May. The greenhouse complex opens for only 20 days. Ticket price for exploring one of the main attractions of Brussels is 3 euros.

5. The Temple of Notre Dame de la Chapelle

The church is the oldest in Brussels and is famous for the fact that the painter Peter Bruegel and his wife are buried under it. At the beginning of the 12th century, the Benedictines founded a chapel on the site of the temple; over time, houses of poor residents were built around it. Today this area is called Marol. In the future, the chapel expanded and became a church; it was destroyed and rebuilt more than once.

In the middle of the 13th century, a relic was presented to the temple - part of the Crucifixion to Jesus Christ. Since that time, the church has become a tourist attraction in Brussels, pilgrims come here every year.

During the reconstruction, a bell tower decorated with a dome and a cross was added to the temple. In addition, the church holds an ancient font, created in 1475, and a chair made of wood at the beginning of the 18th century.

6. Museum of Natural Sciences

The attraction is unique in that it presents the largest collection of a wide variety of dinosaurs. There are also halls dedicated to:

  • human development;
  • whales;
  • insect.

The exhibition features more than 2 thousand minerals. Entire families come here, as a walk through the halls is a real journey into the world of amazing discoveries. In addition to dinosaurs, guests can watch a real mammoth, get acquainted with the life of ancient hunters. Here are exhibits whose age is hard to imagine. The history of mankind is shown as exciting and accessible as possible. Among the exhibits there are extinct animals and birds, moonstone, meteorites.

You can see the attraction at: Rue Vautier, 29, Maelbeek, daily (except Monday) from 9-30 to 17-00.


  • metro - station Trône;
  • bus - stop Muséum.

Ticket Price:

  • full - 9.50 euros;
  • children (from 6 to 16 years old) - 5.50 euros.

For children under 6 years, admission is free.

7. Parliamentarium

The European Parliament is located in Brussels, where tourists get acquainted with the work of the European Union from the inside. The building is a palace decorated in a futuristic style. Its tower gives the impression of unfinished - a symbol of an incomplete list of EU states.

Near the entrance there is a sculpture that symbolizes the united European countries.

In the main house of the European Parliament conduct tours, you can even attend a plenary session. The main feature of the tour is that it is fully interactive, it gives children great pleasure, because you can press any buttons. You can see the attraction for free.

How to get there:

  • bus number 34, 38, 80 and 95;
  • metro, lines 2 and 6, Trone / Troon station;
  • metro lines 1 and 5, station Maalbeek.

The main entrance is located on Parliament Square.

Working hours:

  • Monday - from 13-00 to 18-00;
  • from Tuesday to Friday - from 9-00 to 18-00;
  • Weekends - from 10-00 to 18-00.

You can enter the building 30 minutes before closing time - at 17-30.

If you visit these sights of Brussels in one day, you will surely have your own impression of this unique city of Belgium.

What else to see in Brussels

If your trip to the capital of Belgium is not limited to one day, be sure to continue exploring Brussels. After all, there is an incredible amount of unique places that cannot be seen in one day.

Park Bois de la Cambre

The attraction is located in the center of the capital of Belgium on Avenue Louise, it is a huge, well-groomed forested area where families and friendly companies come to relax. Why is the park not included in the list of attractions that can be viewed in one day? The fact is that I want to spend much more time here - it’s convenient to sit in the shade of trees and organize a picnic. Brussels residents call the park a breath of fresh air in urban chaos.

The park hosts cultural and recreational activities, you can visit the theater, night club, eat in the restaurant. The attraction occupies 123 hectares, so it is better to use a bicycle or rollers for inspection.

Interesting fact! In the park, you can take several lessons and learn to skate.

Museum Autoworld

If the gothic, medieval Brussels will tire you a little, pay attention to the museum of retro cars.

The exposition will delight not only adult fans of cars, but also children. The museum is located in the southern hall of the complex, built in the 50th anniversary park. Here, more than fifty cars of different eras are collected - from the second half of the 19th century to the present. What can be seen in the museum:

  • cars of Belgian production of the pre-war period, by the way, have not been produced for a long time;
  • first models of cars;
  • first fire engines;
  • vintage military vehicles;
  • limousines
  • a fleet owned by a family of monarchs;
  • Roosevelt and Kennedy cars.

The exhibits are located in themed rooms and on two floors - each symbolizes a certain era.

Good to know! The museum has a souvenir shop, here you can buy any model of the car presented in the exhibition.

You can see the attraction at: Parc du Cinquantenaire, 11.

Working hours:

  • April-September - from 10-00 to 18-00;
  • October-March - from 10-00 to 17-00, on Saturday and Sunday - from 10-00 to 18-00.

Ticket price:

  • full - 9 euros;
  • children (from 6 to 12 years old) - 3 euros.

Children under 6 years are admitted free.

Useful information can be found at autoworld.be.

Cantillon Brewery

Another metropolitan attraction, on the inspection of which you can spend one day, enthusiastically studying the beer production process. The Brewery Museum is located near the central station at Gheude 56. The distance to the Grand Place is about 1.5 km.

This area of ​​Brussels is called Anderlecht, immigrants from Africa live here. The brewery is located behind a door resembling a garage entrance. You can get acquainted with the beer preparation process from October to April. The main product is lambic beer, its difference from other varieties is spontaneous fermentation. Be prepared that the brewery is far from sterile and mold can be seen on stilts.

Interesting fact! Lambic is the basis for the preparation of other beers - Goise, Creek, Faro.

Cost of visiting 6 euros, the tour involves two glasses of beer, the guest selects the variety on his own.
Opening hours: from 9-00 to 17-00 on weekdays, from 10-00 to 17-00 on Saturday, Sunday is a day off.

Art Mountain Park

The attraction is located in the Saint-Roches area, it is a museum complex. The park was created by decision of the monarch Leopold II. In 1910, the World Exhibition was held in Brussels, the king issues a decree - to demolish old buildings and organize a park zone in their place to surprise guests.

The park is divided on an artificially created hill, on its top are the Royal Library and the Congress Palace, and on the slopes of 2 museums - musical instruments and fine arts. A picturesque staircase, supplemented by fountains, leads to the top. On the observation deck are shops with sweets.

Near the park there is a Gare Centrale subway station and a Royale bus stop.
Address: Rue Royale 2-4.
Official site: www.montdesarts.com.

Park Mini Europe

Another metropolitan attraction, on the inspection of which you can spend one day. The park is located next to the Atomium. The area of ​​the park is 2.4 hectares, guests have come here since 1989.

In the open air 350 exhibits from 80 cities on a scale of 1:25 were collected. Many recreated moving models - railway, cars, mills, of particular interest are the erupting volcano Vesuvius. The park is included in the list of the most visited and popular attractions of Brussels, annually more than 300 thousand guests of the capital come here.

You can get to the park by metro and tram to the Heysel stop, then you need to walk no more than 300 meters.


  • from March 11 to July and in September - from 9-30 to 18-00;
  • in July and August - from 9-30 to 20-00;
  • from October to January - from 10-00 to 18-00.

Ticket price:

  • adult - 15.30 euros;
  • children (under 12 years old) - 11.40 euros.

For children taller than 120 cm, admission is free.

Park website: www.minieurope.com.
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Grand Sablon Square

The attraction is located on a hill that divides the capital into two parts. The second name of the square is Sandy. This is due to the fact that in the 13th century there was a sandy hill. Then they built a chapel with a statue of the Virgin Mary. In the 15th century, the chapel becomes a church; ministries and rites of christening are held in it. In the middle of the 18th century, a fountain was built here, which has survived to this day. In the 19th century, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out. Today it is a respectable metropolitan area, where restaurants, boutiques, luxury hotels, chocolate houses, antique shops are concentrated.

Opposite the sights there is a picturesque garden decorated with sculptures. In the eastern part is the Notre Dame du Sablon, whose construction dates back to the 15th century.

You can get there by tram number 92 and 94 and by metro station Louise. On weekends, there are markets where antique items are presented.Find out RATES or book any accommodation using this form

There are a lot of attractions on the map of Brussels, of course, it is impossible to see them in one day. However, once in the capital of Belgium, you probably want to return here again. Prepare for yourself a list of Brussels attractions with photos and descriptions and immerse yourself in its incredible atmosphere.

Map with the sights and museums of Brussels in Russian.

Professional video in high quality allows you to feel the atmosphere of Brussels - be sure to look!

Watch the video: 10 Top Tourist Attractions in Brussels - Travel Video (October 2024).

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