Advantages of an orthopedic sofa for daily sleep, varieties

The continuously accelerating rhythm of modern life keeps a person in constant tension. Business people have almost no time left to take care of themselves and their health. Regular courses of corrective massage and other relaxing procedures are constantly postponed. Many do not realize that buying an orthopedic sofa for daily sleep, you can save time and money needed to visit health facilities, having received an equivalent preventive and therapeutic effect.

Product Features and Benefits

An orthopedic sofa for daily sleep is an ideal option. Even a short rest on such furniture can restore strength, relieve pain in the lower back, and relax the strained shoulder girdle. A simple transformation mechanism allows you to turn the sofa into a comfortable berth. The product can have the most diverse shape and dimensions. A distinctive feature is the presence of a special mattress under the upholstery. The table describes the main pros and cons of the product.

  • supports the anatomically correct position of the spine;
  • a large selection of forms (classic, angular, U-shaped);
  • the ability to choose the size of the sofa in accordance with individual characteristics and needs;
  • originality of design decisions;
  • some models have a bottom niche for bedding or come with several stylish pillows;
  • convenience and ease of operation;
  • long service life (up to 30 years).
  • limited shelf life of the orthopedic base (depends on the filling material);
  • frequent upholstery defects (poor-quality seams, rough joints);
  • high cost of products.

Orthopedic sofas have a wide range of useful functions. Their anatomically correct shape helps maintain spinal health.

There are boxes for storing linenLarge selection of shapesAn opportunity to choose an individual formOriginal designSupports anatomically correct sleeping postureDurability


The range of products of the furniture industry is huge.Orthopedic sofas provide a healthy sound sleep, fit well into the interior. To facilitate the selection, experts regularly make a rating of the best sofas for sleeping, which are the most simple and convenient for daily use. The following products are most popular among consumers: Askona Sunrise, Askona Sunset, Andersen Benedict, MOON-021, Andersen Winter Dream. These manufacturers boast the best sofas for sleeping. Their products satisfy the need for complete relaxation after a busy day. A calm, long night's sleep will be a confirmation of the quality of the product.

Andersen BenedictAskona sunriseAskona sunsetMoon 021Andersen Winter Dream

In shape

The size of the room in which the sofa will be installed and its design influence the choice of the shape of the product. Depending on the features of the room or the style of interior decoration, furniture can have a different configuration:

  1. Direct model. It is a single plane, usually installed along the walls in apartments of large and medium sizes. It has a deep comfortable seat, often used as a sleeping place.
  2. Corner construction. Successfully fit into a small room. The seat is not soft, not all models have a box for linen.

Availability is not the only criterion when choosing the shape of a product. Often, corner sofas for sleeping are used for zoning the apartment. The original design decision sometimes makes it the main element of the interior.


By folding mechanism

Modern man appreciates multifunctional things that can immediately satisfy a number of needs. Thanks to the transformation mechanism, it is easy to get a comfortable sofa for daily sleep or a comfortable seat. The following varieties are very popular:

  1. Click-gag. In order to get a wide sofa for sleeping, it is necessary to raise the lower section to a vertical position (a clattering sound is heard), and then lower it to its original place. There should be a small space between the wall and the folded product for free lowering of the second half.
  2. Eurobook. The front half is advanced, and the resulting space is filled with a back. The sofa can be transformed into a berth, being in close proximity to the wall.
  3. Accordion. It is enough to pull on the lower section of the seat, the part lying on it will lower with the back to the vacant seat.
  4. Dolphin. It is necessary to extend the lower section of the seat into which the additional mattress block is laid. Pulling on specially mounted rings in it, you can put the block on the same level with the rest of the soft parts.
  5. French clamshell. Double-folded additional element of the orthopedic lattice is located under the seat. If necessary, it rises, moving forward by 1.5-1.8 meters.

The mechanism of the French clamshell is not durable. It does not withstand regular loads, so it is not often used to make sofas for sleeping every day.

When choosing a sofa transformation mechanism suitable for frequent use, priorities should be considered. A wide and even berth, for example, will be provided mainly by a click gag or an accordion. Small apartments value compact and functional furniture. Experts believe that the most reliable mechanism for transforming a sofa is a simple and durable click-gag.

French clamshellEurobookClick gagAccordionDolphin

To size

Furniture stores offer sofas for daily use, taking into account age and individual characteristics of consumers. The size of a single product is 130-170 x 90-100 cm, the option for two people is 170-200 x 100-140 cm. A sofa for sleeping in a small apartment often has built-in shelves and wide armrests. Such models can be installed in the kitchen or in the office. The corner sofa in the living room for daily sleep can be four- and five-seater. Its dimensions reach 400 cm, its width is up to 220 cm. Bright children's models are often made in the form of a chair with soft armrests. Standard sizes: 95 x 100 x 85 cm.


Materials of manufacture

Choosing a comfortable sofa for sleeping, usually evaluate its functionality and aesthetic qualities. Consumer characteristics of the product largely depend on the materials used. Before buying, you should figure out what raw materials can be used to make the frame, upholstery and mattress.


Its quality determines the durability of the product. A well-assembled (glued, welded) frame guarantees the preservation of shape and functionality. Structural features of the material for its manufacture will determine the stability of the product to regular loads. The table shows the common materials for the frame and their description.

WoodEco-friendly and absolutely safe frames are very durable. Metal fastenings or screws are not used to connect the individual elements, which makes it impossible to loosen the product.
Wood slabsParticleboard, chipboard or MDF consist of wood chips impregnated with various compounds (formaldehyde, liquid paraffin, lignin). Covered with a layer of protective paint, which prevents the release of harmful substances. The main advantage is low cost.
MetalThe frame is very stable, durable (especially if its elements are welded and not fastened together with bolts or self-tapping screws), has absolute fire resistance, and can easily withstand significant loads (up to 300 kg).

Experts believe that flexible beech lamellas should be mounted in the frame of an orthopedic sofa for sleeping. They will strengthen the spring effect, provide good air exchange on the sleeping surface.


In addition to design features, the aesthetic qualities of the sofa determine the color, pattern and texture of the upholstery. The durability of the latter, the ability to withstand the influence of aggressive factors (water, fire, dirt, mechanical damage) will affect the choice of the room in which the sofa will be installed (living room, dining room, children's room). The table shows the main materials used for furniture upholstery, their features.

Upholstery MaterialCharacteristics
MicrofiberHigh-density fabric, has excellent hydrophobic, fire-resistant properties, is able to maintain color under prolonged exposure to sunlight. Contaminated upholstery can be wiped with a damp cloth.
ShenillBraided with fleecy fibers, the thread forms a dense velvety fabric. The structure of the material for a long time remains elastic, resembles velveteen to the touch, does not fade in the sun. It lends itself to dry cleaning.
VeloursFleecy textile. It creates a feeling of warmth, has good wear resistance. From dust, small debris, such an upholstery can be cleaned with a dry brush or vacuum cleaner. If contaminated, wet cleaning with mild detergents (without alkali or bleach) is possible.
LeatherThe most durable and undemanding care (you can wash with soapy water) material. After wet cleaning, it is important to let dry without using a hair dryer or dryer (to avoid deformation).

Plain upholstered sofas blend harmoniously into a classic-style interior. Patterned fabrics with a pattern are suitable for a room decorated in ethnic style.



During a night's sleep, a complete reboot of the main body systems (bone, nervous, circulatory) occurs. A sofa with an orthopedic mattress promotes good rest, favorably affects the posture of children and adults. Depending on the components of the filling, they distinguish:

  1. Spring mattresses. They consist of blocks or individual elements (in modern models they are isolated from each other by durable covers). Shrinking and unclenching, the springs support the spinal column or its segments in the physiologically correct position, providing a healthy comfortable rest on the anatomical sofas for sleeping.
  2. Springless mattresses. They are filled with synthetic winterizer or polyurethane foam. These environmentally friendly materials have sufficient elasticity to provide the desired effect.

Answering the question of which sofas is better to choose for daily sleep, we can recommend paying attention to models with springless mattresses. They maintain their orthopedic properties for a long time (8-12 years).

Spring loadedSpringless

Popular manufacturers

The experts' annual rating, which presents popular manufacturers of orthopedic sofas, makes it easy for the average buyer to choose a sofa for daily sleep. According to surveys, the leading positions are occupied by:

  • Ascona (Ukraine);
  • Ormatek (Russia, Moscow);
  • Vanguard (Ukraine, Kiev);
  • Divanoff (Ukraine, Kiev).

These manufacturers offer premium quality sofas for daily sleeping. For the manufacture of frames for such products, elite wood species (red wood, bog oak) are used. Ascona's sofas for sleeping contain seven independent spring units, which contributes to a complete relaxation of the body and healthy rest.

By purchasing the right sofa, a person determines the quality of his life. A full night's rest affects the general tone of the body, its energy. Orthopedic products will help to maintain these indicators in a positive state.




Watch the video: Proper Sleep Posture for Overall Wellness. Access Health (October 2024).

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