Create a stylish interior using a modern reception of designers - companion wallpapers

When wondering which wallpaper is better to choose, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points: elegant wallpapers will always create a festive atmosphere, presenting a separate decorative element of the interior, while monophonic wallpapers create a wonderful background for emphasizing beautiful furniture. Consider the third way to design the premises - this is a companion wallpaper. In fact, it consists in a combination of various types of wallpaper, which allows you to successfully hide flaws and wonderfully emphasize the advantages of the interior of the room.

What is the principle of companion wallpapers?

There are several points to consider when choosing companion wallpapers:

  • it is best to make a purchase of companion wallpapers in one store - in this case, it is less likely that you will not guess the color, in addition, it is recommended to combine the wallpaper with the same texture, thickness and quality;
  • the shade of the companion wallpaper should be repeated in the interior of the room in order to achieve a harmonious and finished design;
  • the height of the ceilings in the room plays an important role: if it is low, it is more advisable to select a wallpaper with a vertical pattern, and if, for example, the room is narrow, then a horizontal pattern along the entire long wall is not desirable;
  • in cases where, nevertheless, the wallpaper has a different texture, it is still necessary to select those that have at least one repeating element, for example, a picture;
  • if contrast is used in a combination of wallpapers, then using, for example, one wallpaper with a bright floral ornament, the second should be selected of a monophonic type, in extreme cases, with a small, barely noticeable pattern;
  • in a small room, careful use of contrasting companion wallpapers should be used so that the interior looks unobtrusive, and in a spacious, diverse wallpaper is a great way to zoning a room

Basic Wallpaper Combination Techniques

There are two main principles by which companion wallpapers are combined - this is vertical and horizontal. Vertical requires the use of wallpaper with the same texture and width, but different in color. They are glued in every possible way, at least through one strip, at least two, at least according to a more complex scheme - it all depends on your imagination. Regarding the applied shades - here is the same broad field of activity: you can combine wallpapers that belong to the same color scheme, or you can use very contrasting colors - it depends on what effect you want to get in the end.
The horizontal way of combining wallpaper also allows for various textures, colors and styles. But there is one more point - it is necessary to choose material for joints, for example, slats made of wood or plastic, plinths, paper borders. It is also very important to correctly determine the height of the joint. If the room has low ceilings, the middle is the best option for the location of the joint. In the presence of high ceilings, it is recommended that the lower part be slightly longer than the upper.

The use of wallpaper inserts

Usually wallpaper inserts are placed over a large area, as they contribute to the division of space into separate zones. Also, this technique is used to create an accent of a part of a wall or even a single wall as a whole. For example, in this way, you can very nicely and originally design such details as the head of the bed, TV, sofa, wardrobe, table, etc. For inserts, thick non-woven wallpaper is usually used, which are glued on top of the main ones. The edges of the wallpaper should be covered with moldings or, for example, with decorative battens. Thus, the wall on which the wallpaper inserts are placed instantly transforms, acquiring a very elegant look.

The color of the companion wallpaper must be repeated in other elements of the interior

The main thing to remember when choosing a wallpaper is that they do not exist in the interior by themselves, but represent one of its parts, and quite a lot. The perception of space is always complex. Therefore, even the most chic furniture that you purchased must necessarily be combined and in harmony with the color of the wallpaper. Well, or wallpaper must necessarily be in harmony with furniture or other interior items. Plain wallpaper always serves as a backdrop for emphasizing beautiful furniture.

  • Method 1

    Light beige wallpapers provide a great backdrop for a vibrant blue bed.

  • Method 2

    Dark gray wallpaper in the living room serves as a wonderful backdrop for highlighting a light sofa

  • Method 3

    Against the background of light plain walls, the blue bed looks most expressively


And the interior, in which there is a competent and correct approach to the selection of background and decorative wallpapers, will always look elegant, individual and unique.

It is enough to play on a small difference in textures, decor and intensity of shades, as volume and artistic complexity in the room are provided.

Watch the video: Modern Wall Panels. Wall panelling designs (October 2024).

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