Aspiration up or wooden staircase in the house

The main purpose of the stairs in the house is the connection between its floors. The main factor in choosing such a design should be its safety and reliability. Aesthetic characteristics in this case will be of secondary importance, but also important.

Varieties of shapes and designs

Each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages. A steep staircase with a large angle of inclination is useful when the space allotted to it is limited to a small area. For such a wooden product, convenient handrails are required. In this case, they will not only have a decorative character, but also ensure safety.

A twisted (spiral) staircase can act as the central element of the room. It can be made of wood of any shade. The main thing is that such a design harmoniously blends into the interior. Dark colors will make the staircase more compact in appearance, which will eliminate the feeling of clutter in the room.

If space permits, you can make a ladder with a soft lift, installed at a slight angle. This design is more convenient to use and less dangerous when dropped.

There is such a variety as curved stairs. Such products most often become unique and are used to give the room originality.

Wood selection criteria

It is important to remember that a well-made staircase can transform a house. The wood selected for this should be thoroughly dried using modern methods and prepared for use. This process is very important, since the duration and safety of operation of the resulting design depends on it.

Wood can become both the basis for the stairs and the finishing material. The following varieties of rocks can be used:

  • soft
  • semi-solid;
  • solid.

For a spectacular finish fit:

  • cherry;
  • araucaria;
  • nut;
  • mogano;
  • tick and others.

It is important not to combine wood species with different fiber expansion ratios in the supporting structures. This process occurs with increasing humidity in the room and can lead to unpleasant changes in the design.

If massive wood is for some reason an inaccessible material, then it can be replaced with glued in several layers. The most acceptable such material will be in the design of railings, kosour and steps.

The choice of material is more dependent on the classification to which the future structure belongs. Stairs are divided into:

  • domestic;
  • outdoor.

According to the method of use, they are divided into:

  • stationary;
  • transformable;
  • portable.

You can mount the stairs on:

  • kosour;
  • bowstrings;
  • boils.

Design Nuances

Many designers base the development of models of wooden stairs on the combination of wood with other materials. Most often, railings are made of other materials. The most popular are steel, acrylic and glass varieties of fencing. Such a variety of additional textures and shades will allow you to enter the staircase in any style.

Particular attention must be paid to the materials that will be trimmed steps. In addition to the decorative effect, such a coating should give maximum adhesion of the soles of the shoes to the surface of the step.

The space surrounding the staircase can be decorated with various accessories. This section of the house easily turns into a small gallery. As you move up the stairs, a person will be able to see many family photos or paintings, united by a common theme.

The use of transparent elements in the design design will provide sufficient lighting. For safety, this is an important factor. Durable glass or acrylic easily passes the rays in the required amount. However, such a railing will not break and will not suffer from the increased temperature of closely spaced lamps. If necessary, on a fairly wide staircase, you can do without railings at all. But such an elegant option is suitable only for those houses where there are no children and pets. This kind of stairs can be supplemented with railings running along the wall.

A common method of decorating wooden stairs was a carpet nailed to the steps. This textile product will not only become a decoration, but will also take on a soundproofing function.

The decoration of the stairs and steps can be rhymed with other elements of the room. In this way, you can add style and harmony to the interior.

An interesting way to use a wooden staircase in the interior is its location along panoramic windows. During the day, such a staircase will be sufficiently lit. At the same time, using it, you can enjoy the view.

Wooden stairs can be used in a room designed in any style. Most effective such a structure looks in combination with a parquet floor or in an interior decorated with a laminate or natural board. It is difficult to imagine a country-style house without a wooden staircase to the second floor.

Other interior design options will require some refinement of the classic wooden staircase with additional materials. In any case, the wooden staircase is able to fit into any room that requires access to the upper floors.

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