Black and white living room - the litmus of your soul

Your interest in the black-and-white combination in the interior indicates a rather active and emotional life, your desire to somehow compensate for the tension of everyday life, its psychological pressure. And just in the monochromatic interior you saw a kind of protection against this pressure. This is the right way out. The black and white interior, thanks to the unique properties of its basic colors, will psychologically relieve your body and help restore its strength. What are the properties of these paints that help a person in crisis situations of his life?

Black and White Specialists

With the superficial and most common approach to black, it is a symbol of evil and negativity. But on the other hand, black color mysteriously attracts a person. At the same time, a person associates black with a fortress of spirit, the special significance of everything that is black. It symbolizes peace and aristocracy, power and, to some extent, superiority over the environment. Black color in the interior gives weight and seriousness to everything that happens in this room. The strength of this color is excellent in combination with white.

White, unlike black, is always associated with something beautiful in life, the virgin purity of its carrier. But on the other hand, this color in the interior can cause a feeling of coolness and even an unfriendly atmosphere in the room.

Due to these properties, the black and white interior of a room, for example, a living room, allows a person to feel more confident than outside. To feel even some superiority over the others, their significance in this space. He receives what he may lack in the outside world. However, as in any business, when you design a black and white living room, you should know certain rules. Otherwise, you can get the result, exactly the opposite of the expected.

What you need to know about black and white in the living room and not only

Just want to warn. The main rule of design is to never use black and white in the same proportion. One of these colors should dominate. It doesn't matter which one is black or white. This is your choice. Depends on what you want to get as a result. Otherwise, such an interior will have a negative impact on those present. In addition, such a combination of white and black, its concentrated contrast will greatly tire the vision. Also, you can not use black for the ceiling, even parts of it. The black ceiling will put pressure on those present, causing them unpleasant associations and thoughts corresponding to these associations. It is unlikely that such a living room will be a matter of pride, at least in the eyes of your guests. If this, of course, is not an end in itself.

Choose a dominant color in the interior of a black and white living room

The choice of dominant in this combination is an important point in the interior design of the living room. The psychological atmosphere in it and its visual perception by a person depend on what color will prevail in your living room.

If you prefer privacy. If your social circle is limited to a small number of friends, colleagues. In this case, black should be preferred in the living room. It will create a very comfortable atmosphere for a friendly conversation in a narrow circle of people close to you. But here it must be taken into account that in such a living room its lighting plays an important role.

White color has the ability to visually expand the space of the room, add to it a feeling of perfect cleanliness and freshness, and cause positive emotions. Naturally, it is preferable in small living rooms. Its dominance will help eliminate the shortage of space, at least visually. White also compensates for the lack of lighting in the living room. The above does not mean at all that the dominance of white in a large living room is not welcome. Such ratios are also very popular for large rooms.


Black and white living room - stylish and practical.

At first glance, you might think that the interior in black and white is more suitable for office rooms. It looks pretty formal and strict. But this is at first glance. In reality, the black and white interior is a rather dynamic interior. It is known that in the combination of white and black, other colors are easily and harmoniously added. And this means that you can turn a monochrome living room into something less official and more comfortable and warm by adding yellow, orange, red, blue to its interior. The scope for your imagination is boundless. It can be furniture, and curtains, and lamps. Anything. But in order to be possible, it is necessary to work out in detail in what ratio black and white color will be used. The predominance of black is unlikely to allow this to be done with the proper effect, especially the black walls and ceiling. And one more detail. It is advisable to dilute the black and white living room with one or two bright colors.


Even a slight inclusion of green plants in the black and white background of the living room can revive its stiffness. A couple of plants have never been superfluous in any interior of any style.


The dominance of white in a monochrome interior makes it more comfortable for a family in which there are small children and pets. The fact is that with the dominance of white, the mess, dust, which have always been natural companions of a large family, is not so striking.


Choosing which color will be the main one, it may turn out that the walls and ceiling will not be enough for a spectacular and stylish look. Here, furniture, curtains can bring their zest. With their help, you can dilute a particular color in the living room, thereby eliminating the excessive contrast of black and white.

As for the styles, the black and white interior is most often used in the design of a living room in a minimalist style. A black and white background, as it were, was created for this style, reinforces its individuality and asceticism.


Black and white combination in the form of a zebra skin, stripes looks great in an exotic interior style.

Despite the fact that experts do not recommend mixing interior styles when using black and white combinations, you can still experiment.

In conclusion - a warning

If you have an inexplicable and irresistible craving for the predominance of black in the interior, you should seriously think about your state of mind. The concentrated dominance of black in the interior of the room indicates that you are in a crisis state. Psychologists do not recommend using more than 50% of the room area for black. Human visual receptors cause biochemical reactions in the brain that are appropriate for the color accepted — positive or negative. You do not need to be a great specialist to understand what kind of reaction causes black color. Therefore, do not get involved in black. Black has always been a symbol of evil and sadness. White color will help you get out of the crisis state of mind, if you are in it, find and maintain vitality.

Let your living room be the embodiment of harmony in all its manifestations!

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