How to quickly get rid of a cold with folk remedies

Everyone faced a runny nose, the appearance of which is preceded by hypothermia, a cold or the penetration of the virus into the body. At first glance, the disease seems harmless. In any case, it is useful to know how to quickly get rid of a cold with folk remedies at home.

In some people, a runny nose ends quickly without the use of drugs, while in others it develops into a chronic sinusitis. Fortunately, folk remedies even help people who are not recommended to take medications.

If you postpone the treatment of the common cold for a long time, it will become a source of discomfort. We are talking about shortness of breath, discharges that cause discomfort, poor sleep, due to nasal congestion.

If you run a runny nose or do not treat it, it will turn into sinusitis - a more serious disease, the treatment of which involves the use of antibiotics.

Effective folk remedies

Start the fight against a runny nose from the moment dry, itchy, or burned nose appears in the nose. At this stage, the easiest way to get rid of. Using tips and time-tested folk remedies, quickly restore health without harming the body.

  • Warm up the body. A hot bath based on medicinal herbs, including sage, mint and eucalyptus, will help. The oils that are contained in plants have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and strengthen the immune system. It is useful to add sea salt to the bath.
  • Mustard powder foot baths. Perform the procedure before bedtime. Always wear warm socks on your feet before going to bed.
  • Eggs and potatoes. Traditional medicine allows you to cope with a runny nose at no cost. To your sinuses attach boiled eggs or boiled potatoes in their skins. Do this several times throughout the day.
  • Nasal flushing and inhalation. For inhalation, calendula flowers, pine buds, raspberry leaves and essential oils are suitable. For inhalation, boil three liters of water, add six tablespoons of pine buds to boiling water, hold the broth under the lid and carry out the procedure. Bend over the dishes with broth and breathe in pairs.
  • Essential oils. Fight with a runny nose is made with oil from eucalyptus, St. John's wort or oregano. In hot water, add a few drops of oil and inhale the vapor.
  • Vegetable oil. Heat oil in a glass bowl. As a result, harmful substances evaporate from the oil. After that, add four cloves of garlic and chopped quarter onion to the chilled oil. After three hours, strain the oil saturated with nutrients and use to lubricate the nose.
  • Aloe. Universal remedy for the common cold. Squeeze out juice from a leaf of a plant and use for instillation of a nose. If a child has a runny nose, dilute aloe juice slightly with water.
  • Honey. Honey, which I recommend mixing with plant juice, helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment using aloe. Mix warm water, honey and juice in equal proportions and wait for the yellow component to dissolve. Use nose to drip.

Folk recipes and the ways I shared will come to the rescue at any time of the year. If you keep them at hand, the disease will not catch by surprise.

Video tips

These methods will help to save, because the cost of pharmacy drugs is not affordable. Fighting a runny nose with alternative methods is the best treatment option, since the drugs that I propose to use are safe for the body and do not provoke the appearance of side effects.

How to cure a runny nose at home in 1 day

There are many ways to deal with a runny nose. Some involve the use of purchased medicines, others are based on folk remedies. Since there is not always a suitable drug in the medicine cabinet, let's talk about the methods of treating the common cold offered by traditional medicine.

The speed of full recovery depends on the conditions in which the patient is. We are talking about cool air, moderate humidity, plenty of drinking and ventilation. The implementation of these points helps to restore breathing to normal.

  1. Nose wash. The procedure is unpleasant, but effective. Rinse your nose three times a day using a solution based on sea salt. Dissolve a teaspoon of the substance in a glass of water. After one nostril, draw in the solution, and pour through the other nostril or mouth. Blow your nose well at the end.
  2. Laundry soap. In the process of washing, wash your nose with laundry soap. This is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent.
  3. Onion compresses. Pass the onion through a grater, and put the resulting onion mass on a wet towel. Apply compress to your nose for fifteen minutes, covering it with warm material. Repeat the procedure after 4-5 hours.
  4. Foot baths. Take a kettle, boil water and pour into a bowl. After cooling the liquid to a temperature of 50 degrees, carefully lower your feet into the water and hold for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, dry your feet and put on your socks. Remember, it is forbidden to soar your feet at high temperatures, as this will only do harm.
  5. Aloe juice. To prepare, take an aloe leaf, rinse, cut along and squeeze the juice. Dilute the resulting liquid with water and mix. Use a pipette to drip your nose. I recommend storing the medicine in the refrigerator in a glass opaque container.

Video instructions

People suffer from a runny nose for an average of about five days, it is not possible to completely cure a runny nose in one day, you can only improve your well-being.

Treatment of a common cold in a child with folk remedies

The list of childhood diseases is extensive, and one of the leading positions is a runny nose. In children of various ages, the disease is common. Parents, observing the torment of the child, try to quickly eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease.

The step-by-step instruction, which I will share, provides for the use of folk remedies, and the treatment procedure is safe for the child.

  • Garlic and Sea Salt. At the initial stage of the disease, hang a bag of crushed garlic over the bed or sofa of the baby, which will scare away germs. On the basis of sea salt, prepare a sterile solution and, using a pipette, drip the nose. This will speed up the release of mucus from the nasal passage.
  • Regular nose wash. This will help maintain a clean nose and will help to quickly eliminate the ailment. If the child has difficulty breathing or swelling of the nasal cavity, use vasoconstrictor droplets.
  • Mucus suction. From time to time, use a pear to suck out mucus from a baby’s nose. The method is especially effective in the case of children who are not able to blow their nose on their own. When nose cleaning is complete, drip drops.
  • Cleaning and tea. In the room in which the child is, constantly do wet cleaning followed by ventilation. Water your baby regularly with warm tea to restore fluid balance in the body. If purulent mucus appears in the nasal passages, use Protargol drops.
  • Inhalation and pillow. Before going to bed, raise the pillow slightly. As a result, the head will be in a position that facilitates breathing. Before doing this, take a star-based inhalation and cover your baby with a warm blanket.
  • Aloe. Aloe also helps to cope with a runny nose. Dilute the plant juice with water, and drip both nostrils with the resulting solution. Take ten parts of boiled water for one part of aloe juice.
  • Infusions of healing herbs. Rinse the nose of a sick child with a runny nose recommended infusion of sage, chamomile, plantain or calendula. Add eucalyptus, peach or sea buckthorn oil to the herbal infusion. Herbs insist on a glass of boiling water, and after cooling, they are used to rinse the nose.
  • Evening baths before bedtime. For the procedure, you need an infusion of pine needles and birch leaves. Pour two liters of water into the pan, pour in a spoonful of each component, boil for five minutes, and after an hour of infusion, pour into a bowl and dilute to a temperature of 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. After the baby go to bed.

Carefully monitor the health of children and do not let them get sick. The main thing is that the child should be dressed in accordance with the weather, not drink cold water and not feel hungry.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy

Everyone on the planet understands that it is contraindicated to use most medications during pregnancy. And even a runny nose often becomes a serious problem.

Do not be discouraged, improvised means that are absolutely harmless help to cope with the disease.

Runny nose is the result of an allergic reaction or exposure to microorganisms on the mucous membrane. Finding out the cause yourself is problematic. Therefore, women in position are advised to consult a doctor. Only he will prescribe a treatment harmless to the fetus.

If there is no way to go to the clinic, fight the disease yourself, because inaction will do more harm. The same goes for cough treatment.

  1. Inhalation. Quickly deal with germs and eliminate nasal congestion will help inhalation. Breathe in pairs of boiled potatoes or a soda-based solution. If the smell of eucalyptus does not cause nausea, add a couple drops of essential oil to boiling water.
  2. Onion drops. Pass the onion through a grater, and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass, which is diluted with water in the proportions 1 to 1 and drip the nose with a pipette. With the help of onion juice, eliminate congestion and overcome the ailment, because it contains volatile products.
  3. Aloe juice. Take an aloe leaf, rinse and squeeze the juice. Inject the resulting fluid into the nose. Aloe does not provide a vasoconstrictor effect, but will speed up recovery.
  4. Warming balm. Apply ointment to the nose and whiskey. The composition includes essential oils that make breathing easier. Use warming agents carefully, as there is a risk of intolerance to the components.
  5. Drops. In extreme cases, use vasoconstrictor drops. Be sure to consult a doctor and find out the opinion of the gynecologist before taking them. Only he will determine the feasibility of using medicines.

No matter how much inconvenience and discomfort a runny nose brings, do not use medications that are not approved by a doctor for treatment. Incorrect actions will harm the child. It is useful to read the article on how to treat tonsils.

Cold Prevention

No matter which remedy you use, remember, a runny nose is a disease caused by an infection. For this reason, in order to avoid self-infection, which adversely affects the results of treatment, it is recommended to use clean handkerchiefs and take measures to protect against secondary infection.

If it’s cold outside, cut a few cloves of garlic, put on a plate and leave indoors to prevent the disease. As a result, the room will be filled with volatile, which are afraid of microbes. Garlic sniff your nose while exhaling through your mouth.

When signs of the disease appear, breathe in warm, dry air and make a hot foot bath. Drink a mixture of thyme, linden, calendula, raspberry and rosehip herbs.

It’s great if you immediately visit the bathhouse and sweat, and then rub the breast with a mixture of horseradish and radish in equal proportions with the addition of salt and honey. After the bath, drink linden, chamomile or berry tea. Helps the use of a decoction of raspberries or wild strawberries.

Temper the body. Russian or Finnish bathhouse will help. Steam with a broom and try to sweat as much as possible.

Watch the video: How To Treat A Cold. How To Cure Common Cold. Best Medicine For A Cold And Fever And Sore Throat (January 2025).

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