Recommendations on how to separate a baby orchid from its mother plant

Propagation of orchids by decks is an effective and easy way. The main varieties that are bred in this way are Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium. They can also easily give lateral babies.

Another positive factor of this method is speed. After 2-3 years, a fully developed, adult flower will grow, which in turn is ready for flowering and reproduction.

The main thing is to consider the rules and be careful. Consider how to disconnect the baby from the mother plant and when it can be separated.

What it is?

Kids are new formations on orchids that have leaves, an individual root system. They are also called cakes. Mini plants can appear from sleeping buds on a peduncle, roots or stem (for how to understand that children grow on an orchid, read here). And they grow on the mother plant until it is fully formed.

A grown-up baby looks like an ordinary orchid, only in miniature. Six months later, the formation on the peduncle has at least a couple of leaves, the root system is up to 5 cm. Some children, next to the mother's flower, are trying to bloom, the peduncle germinates.

Reference! In phalaenopsis, children can appear on a peduncle from a sleeping kidney. Sometimes they are placed in the middle of the boom, but more often on the tip.

Orchid reproduces several children at once. This process occurs either naturally or by stimulation. If the orchid made its formed copy without any intervention, then it is in perfect conditions and in excellent condition.

How to understand that the shoot is ready for separation?

Separating the baby from the mother plant is a painstaking process. It is important to consider that the baby can be separated when it is fully formed and ready to grow on its own. Basically, this happens when there are 3-4 roots at least 5 cm long and 5 leaves. It is the appearance of the root system, says that the plant is able to absorb moisture and nutrients individually. The duration of the extension process is about 6 months.

When is it too early to disconnect?

Children with roots less than 3 cm are not advised to remove. The underdeveloped root system will not allow the young flower to grow actively. But there is an opinion that at the same time the parent plant does not develop enough, the onset of flowering slows down. In this case, the children are trimmed, and the roots grow.

However, the above manipulations often do not give the desired result, so it is better to give a new formation to finally get stronger on the flower. But delaying with a transplant is also not worth it. In this case, long roots can be harmed.

Necessary tools

For the process of separating the baby from the parent orchid, it is necessary to prepare the tool in advancewhich will be convenient to work with. It can be:

  1. sharp scissors;
  2. knife;
  3. garden pruner or blade.

Anyway item to be trimmed must be sanitized without fail: Pour over boiling water or rub with alcohol.

How to carry out the procedure?

In addition to propagation by processes on the peduncle, phalaenopsis can give offspring basal and stem children. This is one and the same species, but differ in the place of occurrence: closer to the roots or in the axils of the leaves on the trunk. Such children often arise due to the death of the flower growth point, mechanical damage to the stem, and a long absence of watering.

From the roots

  • Remove topsoil.
  • Assess the state of the root system of the young appendix.
  • With a sufficient length of the roots, we make a slice with a previously prepared tool.
  • Carefully trim the common root connecting the mother plant and the baby.
  • The slice should be 1 cm from the generated copy.
  • Slowly take the flower out of the pot.
  • Places the slices treated with an antiseptic.
  • We plant in a separate container.

From the stem

Important! Such kids do not have their own root system. For nutrition and moisture, they use the stem of the parent plant. It turns out a common trunk, one for two.

Such processes are not subject to separation, they grow together with the mother's orchid in a pot. An orchid with such a process will look rather unusual and interesting. Stem babies appear to replace the dead top of the flower. Over time, the old flower will die, and this process will become an independent plant in a flowerpot. You can find out what to do and how to care for the baby that appears on the stem of the peduncle in this article.

From the bottom

Mostly children appear on the peduncle, but it happens at the base of an adult specimen. In this case, you should wait until the roots appear and plant:

  • the plant is removed from the substrate;
  • we clear roots of excess soil;
  • with a sterile knife we ​​cut off the young process;
  • powdering slices with ground cinnamon or activated carbon;
  • planted in pots.

What to do if there are no roots?

It happens that children grow, grow, but their root system does not. There are ways to germinate the roots. Stimulate their root system in wet moss or in a container of water.

  1. First you need to make a mini greenhouse. Put a drainage layer on the bottom, then moss or other moisture-absorbing material.
  2. We also make a special support for the sprout so that it does not touch wet moss. Such a structure should be put in a warm place with diffused light.
  3. Place the moss on the bottom of the greenhouse, you can pour special soil, and put the baby in it. In this case, the lower part of the process should be treated with preparations for root formation. For example, Kornevin.
Advice! It is still worth patience, because the sprouting of the roots is not a quick process.

Further care

Behind the parent flower

After separating the baby, the parent flower also requires increased attention. He should gain strength and grow stronger for further flowering. Adhere to the following microclimate parameters:

  • sunlight is shaded;
  • to exclude hit of the scorching rays of the sun;
  • humidity 50-60%;
  • room temperature + 20-23 ° C;
  • daily irrigation of foliage;
  • water regularly after each drying of the substrate;
  • prevent stagnation of water in the pot;
  • the use of complex mineral fertilizers in the form of spraying green mass or under the root;
  • use quality water.

Behind the seated

It is best to recreate the young flower with greenhouse conditions, even despite the presence of a complete root system. Build a mini greenhouse for the young plant, or you can just cover the pot with a plastic bag. In which maintain a temperature of + 27 ° C, and increased humidity. The stay in the greenhouse is about 1 year. During this period, you do not need to water the flower daily.

The first time after precipitation - on day 4, preferably with warm water. The place where the young orchid is located must have access to sunlight. Twice a month, the process should be watered with nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers, which stimulate the growth of the vegetative part of the plant. After 3 years, the baby will finally mature, and will be a completely independent plant.

Sooner or later, the orchid grows old and begins to die. Trying to hold on to life, she lets out a sideways baby. A similar phenomenon is quite rare (we talked about how to help orchids acquire offspring here). Be sure to follow the instructions, do not plant it ahead of time. Appearance is deceptive, because on the processes, first leaves are formed, and then roots. Also Choose high-quality soil and the right pot.

Useful video

Watch a video on how to properly separate the baby from the mother plant:

Watch the video: Orchid propagation - Separating Phalaenopsis basal keiki from mother Orchid (October 2024).

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