How to treat constipation with aloe: formulations recipes

Aloe has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases. However, there are many nuances in herbal medicine. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out what diseases the plant cures for, how to use it, what properties and contraindications it has.

Problems with a chair make a person’s life difficult and uncomfortable. If constipation is a frequent occurrence in life, you should find a remedy that will eliminate this delicate nuisance. On the shelves of the pharmacy there are many laxatives, but their effect for each is individual and unpredictable. A more reasonable solution would be to search for a folk, but proven means, for example, aloe.

Will the plant help normalize intestinal function?

Many people suffer from constipation, especially residents of big cities. The reason may be:

  • Wrong diet.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Low consumption of clean water. Teas, coffee, drinks are not considered.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • During pregnancy, many women also experience constipation.
There are many ways to deal with difficulty emptying. Aloe vera takes pride of place in the effectiveness of eliminating this problem. The milky juice of aloe leaves has a laxative effect, and perfectly normalizes all bowel function.

Despite its effectiveness, you should be careful with this possible side effects. There may be intestinal colic, abdominal pain.

Useful properties of succulents

Aloe is so effective in combating constipation, thanks to a substance called barbaloin, which is found in the leaves of the plant.

The main component of the plant is water. The leaves contain esters, amino acids, essential oils, beta-carotene.

Trace elements such as selenium, calcium, potassium, and many other useful substances that make aloe an incredibly useful plant that is used in the fight against various ailments.

How to take juice?

In no case can aloe juice be processed, since in this case all the beneficial properties will disappear. To get the medicine, squeeze the juice from the leaves.

Aloe must be at least three years old. Otherwise, leaf juice will not help eliminate this delicate problem. It is necessary to take one teaspoon of juice with a glass of water before meals, three times a day. The course of treatment should not be longer than three days.

Recipes of medicinal compounds: step-by-step cooking instructions

To improve the functioning of the intestines and regular stool, you should know several useful recipes that will help normalize the work of the whole organism.

With honey

To get this medicine, you need to take half a glass of chopped aloe leaves, and mix them with 300 g of honey. Allow the resulting product to infuse for no more than a day.

Then the medicine should be held over a water bath for 5-7 minutes. It is necessary to take one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Treatment should last 1-2 months.

We offer you to watch a video on how to prepare a laxative recipe from aloe and honey:

With dried fruit

Another wonderful, and most importantly effective remedy will be a mixture of figs, prunes, dried apricots, with the addition of 50 g of honey and the same amount of aloe leaves. Fruit should be chopped and seasoned with honey and aloe.

It is taken every morning before eating one tablespoon. You can spread the resulting porridge on white bread, after which it is advisable to drink a glass of water. This medicine is not only useful, but also very tasty.

Capsules and pills

There are many medications with aloe extract.. They are available on the Internet and in pharmacies. If a person does not want to cook folk remedies, he can easily acquire aloe lax, in which there are 100 vegetable capsules. To achieve the result, you need to drink two ampoules before bedtime.

On the other hand, no one can be completely confident in the composition of the drug. It is better to prepare the medicine yourself and be sure that the treatment will bear fruit. Aloe gel In the fight against constipation, you can use both aloe juice and gel.

Take this medicine preferably twice a day, morning and evening. You can eat both before meals and after meals.

The first dose should be no more than one teaspoon, but over time it can be increased.

The disadvantage is a bitter and nasty taste, but it, like juice, can also cope with constipation.


Contraindications include the following:

  • Aloe juice and gel should not be taken for a long time, as the body will no longer respond to this treatment, and it will be more difficult to solve the problem. If the course of admission has not led to an improvement in the condition, it is necessary to seek help from specialists who will find the true cause of constipation and recommend an effective treatment regimen.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor to find out if they can take aloe as a way to fight constipation.
  • In case of an ulcer, aloe vera is prohibited, since treatment can lead to internal bleeding.

Additional coprostasis control methods

There are many other ways you can improve your bowels.:

  • An enema can help with constipation. The result will be achieved in a matter of seconds, but you can not abuse this method, since when cleansing the intestines, the beneficial bacteria in it will also be washed out.
  • Kefir at night will help normalize stool and cleanse the intestines in the morning.
  • Mineral water during the day will also contribute to the cleansing of the entire stomach and will lead to its smooth operation.
  • Vegetables and fruits favorably affect the work of the whole organism.

It can be concluded that a person is free to choose many ways to combat constipation, but the most important thing is to find the cause of these failures in the body and solve it. If a person previously had no difficulties, and problems began due to pregnancy, travel, illness, then aloe will be an excellent way to eliminate this ailment.


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