The benefits and harms of pomegranate in diabetes. Chemical composition of the product and recommendations for use

Pomegranate is a fruit that is rich in nutrients, vitamins. Doctors and nutritionists recommend introducing this fruit into the menu for all people to strengthen immunity.

The components of pomegranate have a positive effect on the state of the cardiac and hematopoietic systems, eliminate cholesterol plaques, and increase the level of hemoglobin in diabetics.

Is it possible to eat pomegranate and drink its juice with high sugar, or not? We will tell you in detail in our article.

Can diabetics eat fruit and drink pomegranate juice?

Exotic fruit is on the list of approved foods for people with diabetes. In addition, it has its own benefit in the disease in question.
  • Type 1 diabetes.

    Doctors advise their patients to use fruit type 1 diabetes every day. Just choose for this a ripe and high-quality pomegranate, as natural as possible and without chemicals.

  • Type 2 diabetes.

    Type 2 diabetics can consume fruits in the form of grains or juice, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. If juice is selected, then it should not be drunk in its pure form. Dilute 60 drops in 150 ml of warm water. You can add a little honey to the drink, which will not only improve taste, but also bring additional benefits to the body.

  • Nutrition Diabetes?

    Pomegranate can be consumed by people with tropical diabetes. This form of the disease occurs mainly in people with chronic malnutrition. In their diet must be fruit, even exotic, but in moderation.

  • Prediabetes.

    Fruit juice can be used not only as an additional product in the treatment of diabetes, but also prediabetes in order to prevent and develop complications. The composition of the fetus contains beneficial substances that play an important role in violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

  • Other forms of diabetes.

    The remaining types of diabetes, especially caused by obesity, also do not prohibit the use of pomegranate juice and fruit.

  • High sugar (not related to diabetes).

    If the blood sugar is elevated not due to diabetes, then the use of pomegranate will not affect the human condition. Sugar will remain normal, while the body will receive the necessary nutrients.

We suggest watching a video about the use of pomegranate in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus:

Chemical composition, health benefits and harms

Pomegranate in diabetes supports the pancreas, improves blood counts, which deteriorate due to malnutrition. In addition, the product positively affects the whole body as a whole, as it increases immunity.

The composition of grenades includes such components:

  • vitamins of groups B, A, E and C;
  • amino acids, pectins, polyphenols;
  • citric and malic acid;
  • micro and macro elements.

Naturally, the fruit contains natural sugar in high concentration. But it penetrates the human body along with a whole complex of vitamins, as a result of which its negative effect is neutralized.

We suggest watching a video about the beneficial properties of pomegranate:


The use of pomegranates is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Gastrointestinal Disorders:

    • pancreatitis
    • ulcer;
    • gastritis;
    • cholecystitis.
  2. Allergic reaction.

If you take the juice in its pure form, it injures the tooth enamel, so before drinking it is necessary to mix it with water.

We offer you to watch a video about contraindications for the use of pomegranate:

Do I need to consult a doctor?

Sure, people with diabetes need to get approval from a doctor before using pomegranate. He makes a decision based on the type of disease and the general condition of the patient. In addition, the endocrinologist must find out if there are problems with the stomach and other organs.

How to apply for each type of disease?

For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, 60 drops of juice should be diluted in 150 ml of water. Such a cocktail will not have a harmful effect on the teeth and gastrointestinal tract. For type 2 diabetes, 10 g of honey can be added to the drink. This will prevent the development of diabetes-related diseases.

In what quantities is it allowed to be consumed and is it permissible every day?


It is necessary to eat 1 fruit per day. Doctors say pomegranates can be eaten every day. And not only because the fruit contains a large amount of natural sugar, since a drop in glucose for diabetics is not as dangerous as its jump. To eliminate the harm from insulin, which is at the risk of lowering glucose, it is also worth taking pomegranate.


Doctors recommend ripe guarantor juice for people with diabetes, as the drink is an excellent laxative and tonic.

It perfectly quenches thirst for a long time, reduces sugar concentration and improves overall well-being. You can drink 1 glass of juice daily, but just remember to dilute it with water.

What to look for when buying a store product?

It is strictly forbidden to take factory juices for type 2 diabetes. But with other types of disease, store drinks are undesirable. The fact is that they contain sugar, stabilizers and emulsifiers. Thanks to this set of components, juice can be stored for a long time, but there is no benefit from it.

If there is a need for purchase, then when choosing factory drinks from pomegranate, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not buy products in closed containers. It is best to choose juice in a glass bottle.
  2. Carefully examine the information on the packaging to know when and by whom the juice was spilled. You also need to pay attention to the quality of the label itself. It should not have blurry letters, its appearance should be neat.
  3. The color of the juice should be red-burgundy. If the shade is light, then this indicates that the drink was diluted. A too saturated burgundy color indicates the presence of a peel.
  4. It is necessary to choose products for which the date on the packaging is autumn. This suggests that the grenades immediately after their collection were sent for processing.

We offer you to watch a video on how to choose the right pomegranate juice in the store:


Diabetes mellitus and pomegranate juice - this is a very real combination, since the fruit helps prevent the development of severe complications arising from the disease. But you need to eat the fetus correctly, observing the dosage and be sure to consult a doctor.

Watch the video: Want to REDUCE Your HIGH URIC ACID in GOUT? Add These Fruits to DIET To LOWER HIGH URIC ACID LEVEL (October 2024).

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