Pool at the cottage - affordable luxury

Nowadays, the presence of a swimming pool in a summer cottage does not speak so much about the financial well-being of its owners, but rather about the desire and opportunity to spend time actively with benefit for health and mood in the fresh air. Modern technologies, advanced building and finishing materials allow equipping the house adjoining territory with a pool even for those summer residents who do not have large spaces or wallets. But at the same time, the “avaricious pays twice” rule is the best suited precisely for landscaping a summer cottage with a swimming pool - you should not save on the services of engineers and craftsmen. We have collected for you 75 inspiring design projects of swimming pools of various shapes and sizes, which can be organized within the summer cottage. Choose the option that suits you and enjoy outdoor activities.

The benefits of an artificial pond in the open

Improving, active rest is the dream of many owners of summer cottages. If some 10-15 years ago such dreams were never destined to come true, nowadays almost everyone can equip a swimming pool for cooling on a hot day on their own site. The variety of bowls (their design, size and method of execution) allows everyone to find their ideal option. You just need to decide what exactly you need - someone needs a shallow pool for children to organize relaxation (a favorite place to triple games with a healing effect), others need a large-scale pond for long swims, swimming exercises and other water sports.

The modern summer cottage already hardly resembles personal plots of twenty years ago. The current owners of suburban housing are not limited to planting trees and arranging beds in their plots. Landscaping that meets all the requirements of aesthetics, comfort and functionality is the priority of a modern summer resident. A green oasis of freshness is needed for relaxation from the bustle of the city, and a whole range of practical, but at the same time modern and outwardly attractive attributes for active and passive recreation. In this case, the pool can become a favorite place for games, training and relaxing the whole family, as well as an occasion for pride and demonstration to all friends, acquaintances, guests and neighbors.

Types of pools for installation on a summer cottage

Speaking conditionally, the entire range of modern stores can be divided into three main groups of pools:

  • stationary;
  • collapsible (portable);
  • inflatable.

Of course, all pools differ in shape and size, the way depth is performed (single-level and multi-level). It is these criteria that will form the basis of the choice for each specific case. On which version of the pool you decide to choose, based on your own desires, preferences, financial capabilities, size of the site and landscape features.

Stationary pool

The name speaks for itself - the pool is installed forever, is not transferable. As a rule, stationary tanks are of medium and large sizes (it does not make sense to execute such a pool on a small scale). From the point of view of the type of construction, all stationary pools are divided into:

  • wireframe;
  • frameless (built into the soil).

The stationary pool for its operation will require the installation of various auxiliary systems. The minimum set of actions - water supply, its purification and subsequent discharge, should be organized using special equipment. Obviously, without these actions, the water in the tank will lose transparency, and subsequently completely “bloom”.

To save money, some decide to abandon the water treatment system. This option is possible, but is it personally suitable for you? After all, it will be necessary to drain somewhere a few tons of water every two weeks (and in hot weather, perhaps more often). A set of new liquid to fill the water will entail additional costs. So, the seemingly high cost of purification systems, will pay for itself literally in the first season of operation.

Any of the options for built-in pools looks luxurious. But such beauty in a summer cottage will require considerable financial and time expenses from you. If you are ready to overcome some of the difficulties associated with installing the tank itself and underground communication systems (which cannot but raise the total cost of the project in the estimate), then making the pool built-in certainly makes sense.

Installing a frame tank will require less financial, time and labor. The budget for related items will also be smaller. But the appearance of such a pool will be less exclusive, no matter in what form it was performed. Unless we are talking about original tanks with a glass (or combined) frame. Such models look luxurious, modern, respectable, but also are not cheap.

Choosing a frame pool for a summer residence, do not forget to take into account the climate features of your region. Many materials are simply not able to withstand high frosts even in the absence of liquid. It is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the technological characteristics of the material from which the tank is made (there are enough frost-resistant products on the modern market).

Collapsible Pool

For obvious reasons, pools of this type are performed in small and medium dimensions - a large-scale model would be difficult to assemble on their own, and the price tag at such a pool would be "unbearable" for most summer residents. Collapsible pools are ideal for owners of summer cottages that cannot be monitored year-round. The pool is collected for the season, and at the end of warm days it is simply dismantled and stored for storage in a barn or garage until next summer.

A collapsible pool is easier to install and operate, but also needs water filtration. Of course, a tank of this type will not require complex and expensive cleaning systems. If the size of the pool is small, it will be easier and cheaper to change the water as necessary, and use special reagents to clean it, which are enough in modern stores.

Inflatable pool

The advantages of inflatable tanks are obvious - mobility, which is ensured by small size, lack of need for additional devices (except, perhaps, the pump), ease of storage in a deflated form. Most often, inflatable pools are presented in the category of children's tanks, which is not surprising, because this type of font is presented in very small sizes. And for owners of small summer cottages, such a small scale is an absolute plus. You can take an inflatable pool with you for a picnic, inflate with a conventional pump, and change the water at the end of the vacation.

Materials for the manufacture of modern pools

When choosing a pool for a summer cottage, it is necessary to have information not only about the possible size and shape of the tank, but also about its material. This question is especially acute when choosing a stationary pool. Modern manufacturers prefer to use the following material options:

  • polypropylene;
  • plastic;
  • composite materials.

Polypropylene pools are distinguished by their resistance to temperature extremes. Such tanks can be operated year-round. The technological qualities of polypropylene meet most requirements for tanks designed for outdoor use.

In plastic tanks, the threshold for destruction under the influence of low temperatures is significantly lower. For the execution of large bowls, plastic is used extremely rarely, its category is small and medium tank sizes. Folding models are often made of plastic. A feature is the fairly affordable cost of finished products.

Pools made of composite materials are considered the most durable and resistant to various climatic manifestations. Composite raw materials are very malleable - amenable to the execution of tanks of any size. An obvious advantage of composite bowls is their relative durability - it is very difficult to damage the walls of such a bowl with ular of heavy objects or scratch them.

But all these types of pools, made of various materials, have one common drawback - all models are presented as standard. If you need an exclusive pool design for a summer residence - you have to build it on your own (with the help of specialists, of course). It will be expensive, but original, respectable and unique.

Pool options by filling method

All tanks intended for outdoor use, by the method of filling, are divided into:

  • overflow;
  • skimmer.

The filling scheme in overflow tanks is arranged in such a way - a grate is arranged around the perimeter of the pool, through which water overflows and passes into the storage tank. Such a pool can be filled to the brim. An additional advantage is that a visually similar tank seems larger than it actually is.

In skimmer systems, everything is different. Water should not reach the edge of the rim, at least at a distance of 15 cm. There simply are no storage tanks in such tanks. The water supplied to the pool passes through a cleaning skimmer (hence the name of the filling method). This method is the cheapest and therefore very popular in private use, in suburban areas, including.

And in conclusion

A pool in a summer cottage will help not only bring luxury to the elements of outdoor activities, but also create a special microclimate of the territory and increase humidity. In addition to its intended use as an artificial reservoir for swimming (sports, games and relaxation), the pool can be used as an irrigation tank if necessary. In general, the advantage of having an artificial reservoir in a summer cottage or household plot is obvious, you only need to install it and operate it correctly in accordance with the instructions.

Watch the video: Luxury Modern Small Home Built In Suburban Backyard (October 2024).

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